A hopeful hart

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Mamrie looked at her phone and sighed. "Okay let's do this." She scrolls through her contacts and taps on Hannah. As the phone rings, Mamrie gets more worried until she hears a voice "Hello? Mames?"

"Oh hey Hannah can you come over? I have something to tell you." Mamrie said worried.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in five okay?"

"Okay." Mamrie ended the call and dropped her head to her hands regretting what she had just done.

Five minutes later...

"Mamrie what's wrong?" Hannah asked as she walked through the door

"Sit down." Mamrie said with a scared look on her face.

Hannah knew this was hard for her friend so she sat down looking terrified.

"Hannah... I love you..."


"I'm in love with you Hannah... ever since I first laid my eyes on you"

"I...I don't know what to say..."

"Do you love me too?"

"Yes... but..."

"But what?"

"I love Grace too... I don't want to break up with her!"

Mamrie started to cry. Hannah tried to comfort her broken friend but Mamrie was too upset by what just happened.

"Just go!" Mamrie shouted "Please just leave me alone!"

Hannah walked towards the door. Before she opened it, she turned her head and softly said "I'm sorry."

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