Decision time

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"Hannah?" Grace and Mamrie said. Hannah looked at her phone confused. "What am I going to do?" she thought to herself "I love Grace and I've been waiting for this moment for a year but I'm also in love with Mamrie and now I have to choose between my two best friends in the whole world. Why is this so hard? I wish someone else could make this decision for me. That would definitely take the pressure off. Somebody help me!" Hannah took a deep breath then looked at Grace "Yes Grace I will marry you." Grace jumped up and squeezed Hannah "I love you." whispered Grace.

"I love you too." whispered Hannah. After a few short moments Grace let go of Hannah and looked at the phone "Mamrie?" said Hannah softly "Are you okay?"

"To be honest, no, but I wish you guys the best and hey we can still be friends" mumbled Mamrie.

"Yeah and you're coming to the wedding right?" Asked Grace.

"Yeah I'll be there. I'm always there for you two." replied Mamrie.

6 months later (at the wedding)...

"Wow Grace you look fantastic. Hannah is gonna love it." said Mamrie.

"You think so?" said Grace.

"I know so. It's gonna be like the day you met. She's gonna fall in love all over again. I promise." Mamrie said thinking that could have been her.

"I know you still love her." said Grace softly "I see the way you look at her it's the same way I do. Go to her she'll want to see you."

Mamrie left Grace to find Hannah sitting in a chair looking at her feet.

"Did I make the right decision?" asked Hannah noticing Mamrie walk through the door.

"Do you want my real answer or the supportive friend answer?" Mamrie asked.

"Both." Hannah replied.

"Okay well my real answer is no because I'm still hopelessly in love with you but my supportive friend answer is I know you truly love Grace and you want to spend the rest of your life with her so yes you made the right decision." Mamrie sighed.

" You're right I do truly love her but what will you do?" questioned Hannah.

"I'll get over it some how but go you've got a lady to marry!" Shouted Mamrie

Hannah and Mamrie run to the wedding hall. Mamrie sits at the front to watch her two best friends get married.

As Grace and Hannah walk back up the aisle Hannah turns her head to Mamrie and says " Thank you for making this day perfect." Mamrie smiles and says " It was my pleasure." knowing that her love for Hannah would never become a reality, which she turned out to be okay with in the end.

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