Helbig vs Hart

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After Hannah left Mamrie's, she went to visit her girlfriend Grace. When she got there she was still concerned and confused about Mamrie. "Hannah what's wrong?" asked Grace noticing her girlfriend's state.

"It's Mamrie... she said she's in love with me." stuttered Hannah.

"And what did you say back?"

"I said I love her too but I love you too and I want to be with you!" yelled the shorter girl.

" Wait... you said you love her?" Grace screamed

"Yeah... but like I said I WANT to be with you." said Hannah.

Grace and Hannah kissed each other and snuggled on the couch to watch Camp Takota for the tenth time this week. Halfway through the film, Hannah's phone rang. It was Mamrie. "Hello?" Hannah said.

"Hey are you with Grace?" asked Mamrie.

"Yeah..." replied a worried Hannah.

"Put me on speaker phone"

Hannah did as she was told then looked at Grace, nervously.

"Hey Mamrie" Grace said "I heard you're in love with my girlfriend!"

"Oh yeah that... that's why I called... I'm sorry"

"Don't be... I get it... She's gorgeous, funny and so smart."

Grace looked at Hannah blushing. Hannah looked back at Grace with the same smile she fell in love with.

"Yep she's perfect but I don't want to ruin your relationship or our friendship so I guess I'm gonna have to deal with it." Mamrie sighed.

"Wait!" Hannah yelled. "Grace you know I'll always love you..."

"Stop." Grace said "I know You're about to break up with me but I have something that may change your mind."

Grace dropped to the floor on one knee and pulled out a small box.

"Grace what are you doing?" Hannah questioned.

"What's happening?" Mamrie yelled

" Hannah Hart, will you marry me?" asked Grace.

Hannah stood in shock as she looked at the woman she had loved for years holding a ring that was meant for her.

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