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This story was requested by taejinnesss

(I can't find this user anymore :( let me know if your username has been changed!)

Vampire/University Student AU


A fervour that had never been within Taehyung's reach. Having catapulted into the world of vicious, discreet creatures ever since he was an infant, Taehyung had never been in the vicinity of that emotion, had never even brushed past it. His farthest memories of his past was the night when his mother handed him to the Ppalgan clan without a second thought. It was not the betrayal that kept the recollection alive in his mind but it was the bite marks on his throat and the memory of the excruciating sting that lasted for weeks after he was converted. Every day and night, Taehyung was beaten in numerous ways to break his humane spirit and replace it with a hollow. The ways of the clan was drilled into his mind so that he could survive in the world as a vampire.

One might expect to receive love once being part of a community permanently but it was not the case for Taehyung. Every member of the Ppalgan clan was taught to be heartless, literally and figuratively. Warmth, compassion, affection, care or anything that associated with love were seen as pathetic and one was outcasted for displaying such emotions. Taehyung, having no other roof above his head, swallowed his faith and began accepting his new self.

Ppalgan broke apart when Taehyung was two hundred and twenty years old due to some political disagreement and every member had to walk their individual path from then on. Taehyung, who had managed to acheive a scholarship and get a job in tutoring school students, started to share a dormitory room with one of his batchmates, Park Jimin. Jimin was the only human who knew about Taehyung's true identity as well his past. The guy tried his best to break past Taehyung's facade but it was vain. They nurtured amity between them, not love.

It has been two years since he had been living a more or less unbothered life as a university student with Jimin as the only person he communicated with other than his professors. He had developed an interest towards Literature over the years and then he was a proud student of that specific major. Perhaps, it was the only thing in the entire universe that he loved as something as inanimate and abstract as literature could not harm him, betray him.

Literature was the only thing Taehyung supposedly loved until he saw a man staggering to keep his balance on a mismatched legged ladder by the bookshelves in the university library.



An emotion around which Seokjin's life revolved. He had parents who adored him as if he was the rarest gen in the world, he had relatives who had never induced sorrow within him, he had friends who cared for him more than he deserved and he led a life where his joy outnumbered his melancholy. Not only was he on the receiving end of love, he was on the giving side as well. Seokjin had his own philosophy which was that he would love anyone with equal amount of love as the other person. Therefore, he never loved anyone too little for the other person to be ungrateful nor did he love too much to be wounded at the truth.

Seokjin loved everything around him, starting from a tiny ladybug that rested on the dewy grass to the grandiose buildings of the city. He loved the citylights at night, the spectrum of colours the sun painted the sky at every dusk and dawn, the hoots of the camouflaged owls and the small tacky yet homey apartment he shared with his friend Yoongi.

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