Chap 1

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Alexis' POV
It's been a week since I've graduated high school and turned 18. Mom was acting really strange as we were setting the table for dinner. "Mom, how come you never talk about Dad?" I asked as we sat down to eat. "I wanna know who my father is."
"Alexis, you are a really special person that no one would understand," Mom smiled. "Its hard to explain who your father is without you thinking I'm lying to you." We finished eating in silence. I got up and cleared the table. "Hun, before you go to bed, can you take this to Nick at the precinct, please?"
"Yeah sure," I said print on my jacket as I grabbed the container. "I'll be back in a few." I left home and went to the NYPD SVU precinct. I walked inside and Nick was standing at his desk, reading a file. "Nick."
"Hey kiddo," Nick said as we hugged. "What are you doing here?"
"Mom was worried, thinking you might be starving," I smiled putting the container on his desk. "So, she told me to bring this to you."
"She didn't have to do that," Nick said sitting me down in his chair. "She already does so much for you."
"Yeah, well, for 18 years," I nodded. "I won't be a bother anymore."
"You haven't told her, have you?" Nick asked. I nodded as he sighed. "Alexis, you gotta tell your mom this. You might think of me as the fun step dad but I think you should tell your mom you're going to hit the road." I looked at Nick. "I know you want to find your dad but he's not in the system."
"Nick, I need to find out who my dad is," I sighed as I stood up. "I'm leaving tonight. I put my bags in the car when Mom wasn't home."
"At least let me drive you home," Nick said grabbing his coat.
"Okay," I nodded. We got home and saw that the front door was busted in. "Mom?!" We got out of the car. "Mom?"
"Stay outside," Nick said withdrawing his gun. "Stay out here." Nick any inside and I waited two minutes and ran inside. I saw him putting pressure on a wound. "Stay with me, Maria. Stay with me."
"Alexis," Mom said. I grabbed her free hand. "Castiel. Go find your father."
"Castiel what?" I asked crying. I didn't get anything else of her as her spirit left the Earth. "Mom..."
"She's gone," Nick sighed as he didn't feel a pulse. "Sorry Alexis. Like we should just go and rent out a motel room or something and stay there for the night."
"No, Nick," I nodded. "I'm going to find out who Castiel is."
"I can run his name through the database," Nick stated.
"No," I nodded. "I doubt he's a criminal. Goodbye."
"Alexis, I am your legal guardian," Nick sighed.
"I'm 18, Nick," I sniffed as I stood up. "I'm my own person now. Goodbye." I ran out of the house grabbing my black Dodge Charger on the way out. I got in and started driving. "Who the hell is Castiel and how do I find him?"

Castiel's POV
"Dean, just stop," I said as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge. "Would you stop and listen to me for a minute?"
"Cas, I can't have a drink?" Dean asked.
"My ex-wife had called and said ---"
"Wait, wait, wait," Dean said cutting me off. "You were married?"
"Yes, but it turns out that I have a daughter I never knew that for 18 years," I stated. "She called me and told me this when Alexis wasn't home." I signed. "I heard screaming and immediately zapped there, but I was too late. Marie was on the ground bleeding internally and bleeding to death. She didn't want me to save her but she handed me this." I handed the photo to Dean. "That's my daughter."
"She has your eyes, Cas," Dean stated.
"Her name is Alexis and she been trying to find me since she was fourteen," I sighed. "She's eventually going to find me." I started hearing a faint prayer. "Give me a second."
Prayer: This probably isn't worth it but I need to find my father, Castiel, soon. For some reason, things are happening to me that I don't understand and I hope he can give me some information. I guess this is what Mom meant when she said I was special. Anyways, I was just driving in the highway in NYC, heading to Philadelphia, when me and my car both appeared at a motel on Lawrence, Kansas. Please, I just need answers.
"What's going on, Cas?" Dean asked. Kiley walked in. "Hey, baby. How was the case?"
"I saved Sam's ass plenty of times second before he could've gotten killed," Kiley said giving Dean a kiss. "Wanna tell him?"
Sam walked in with blood ask over him. "Can't gank any vampires like you used to, Sammy?" Dean asked.
"Shut up," Sam sighed. "What's new?"
"I have a daughter and I'll bring her here," I nodded. I sighed and appeared next to a black Dodge Charger. I looked inside and knocked on the window. She rolled it down. "Are you Alexis?"
"It depends who's asking," she replied.
"You're cautious," I nodded. "I respect that." I got a picture of her and her mom out of my pocket and handed it to her. "I understand that's you and your mom before you left home for prom two weeks ago."
"Wait a minute," she sighed. She got out of her car. "Are you Castiel?"
"Alexis?" I nodded. She did too. "Hi Alexis. I'm Castiel, your father."
"Dad?" she asked. I nodded and she hugged me. "Can you tell me what's going on?"
"Yeah, well, you're an angel," I sighed.
"You're kidding, right?" Alexis asked. I nodded. "You can't be serious."
"I'm am angel," I stated. "Haven't you noticed why you never get hurt much as a kid?"
"I didn't necessary have a normal childhood growing up," Alexis nodded.
"You're about to find out why," I sighed. I grabbed her arm. I zapped both us and her car to Dean's and Sam's bunker. "Hey guys. This is my daughter, Alexis. Alexis, this is Sam and Dean, and that's Dean's girlfriend, Kiley."

Kiley's POV
"Hi," I smiled. "Why don't you and Sam talk to our guest while I make us some sandwiches and talk to Cas?" I grabbed Castiel's arm and pulled him into the kitchen. "What are you doing bringing her here?"
"She doesn't believe she's an angel," Cas explained. "I was hoping maybe Dean and Sam can explain that to her."
I started making the sandwiches. "Does your daughter eat human food?" I asked.
"She is half human and half angel," Cas sighed. "I think she can eat it."
"Well, I don't blame you because you did miss out on her life for eighteen years," I sighed. I finished making the sandwiches and Cas followed me out to everyone else. "Here you are." I put a plate on front of Dean and Sam. "Alexis, can you eat sandwiches?"
"Yeah," she smiled sweetly and I put the plate in front of her. "Thank you."
"No problem," I nodded. "So, what's the situation?"
"Does she know?" Alexis asked.
"She's a hunter too," Dean sighed. "Trust me on that."
"But you are an angel," Sam nodded. "This blade can hurt you."
"Is this true?" Alexis asked.
"Yes," Cas replied. He held one up. "I carry one all the time."
"What else can I do?" Alexis asked.
"With a lot of practice from your father, you can do a lot," I smiled. "Are you going to be staying here with us?"
"Yeah," Sam sighed. "I'm not taking my chances on letting an angel out of our sight." I looked at Sam. "Angels are probably already looking for Castiel's daughter. We don't want anyone getting a hold of her."
"Especially an arch angel," Cas sighed.
"You're just so calm and chill about everything," Alexis sighed as she stood up. "You need more body language."
"What do you mean?" Cas asked.
"Don't be so chill all the time," Alexis sighed. "I can already pick you out as an awkward one."
"She's right," I nodded. "Be more human."
"Really?" Cas asked. "I never noticed."
"Well, change," Alexis nodded. "Flash me your badge." Cas showed his badge and it was upside down. Dean dropped his head and I face palmed myself. "Uhm, Dad." She turned his badge around. "It's upside down."
"It always happens," I nodded. "It's nothing new. Let me show you to your room and you can set up." I grabbed her suitcase and showed her to a room. "This room is between Dean's and Sam's, and across from mine."
"What about my dad?" Alexis asked.
"He doesn't sleep," I sighed. "Just be glad your half human so you can sleep." I smiled. "If you need anything, just let me know. I understand it's a lot easier to open up between is since we are girls."
"What about our body natural cycles?" Alexis asked.
"I got us covered," I nodded. "Don't worry about that. Also, Cas will probably have you spending a lot of time with Sam to study so I hope you love studying."
"That's how I was in high school," Alexis nodded. "I was a nerd and a book worm."
"Then you two will get along just fine " I smiled. "Well, I know you're exhausted so I'm going to let you sleep. Goodnight." I smiled and closed the door. Cas appeared. "She's fine Cas. She'll be fine here. It's safe and you know it."

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