Up All Night

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He carries me over to the side of the lake and starts walking up the side of the ridge following a pathway I had never seen before, despite the number of times I had been up here. The wind was starting to pick up and neither of us had coats, so I was thankful to see that it wasn't far before the hut came into view. It was tucked into some trees and I could see some light flickering under the door and smoke coming out of the top. A little ways behind the hut was a small hot spring, with a path running to the hut, clearly having been used often. 

The hut is small inside, with only one room, a huge bed in the left-hand corner, and a restroom on the right-hand side of the entrance. There was a wood oven along the back wall, with a fire already roaring, keeping the hut cozy and warm from the freezing temperatures outside. There were lit candles lining the perimeter of the hut, making the walls flicker with light, and making everything feel so romantic. Someone from the Pearl clan must've done this for us and I was just so grateful once again for everyone here.

I only got a brief look around because Adaman immediately brought me to the bed, setting me down gently and hovering over me, his eyes shifting between mine and my lips. He dips his head and ghosts his lips against mine, trailing them across my cheek to my jaw, finally pressing his lips against the delicate underneath. A tingle spreads across my scalp, giving me a chill I know he can feel.

"Wife, you're so beautiful, you take my breath away." He whispered against my neck. I could feel the warmth of his breath against my skin and it only added to the sensation of having him on top of me. Anticipation and excitement were building inside of me, having thought about this moment since that very first night together. I had a plan for tonight and I couldn't wait to see his face.

"Husband,"  I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away from me so I could sit up. "I have a surprise for you and I know you're going to love it." I stood up and when I looked at him, his face was flushed but he looked sad like I had rejected him somehow. I cupped his face, and kissed him firmly on the lips, his expression softening the longer I kept our lips together. He didn't make any move to deepen the kiss and neither did I, getting reassurance just from the pressure of the kiss.

"I'll be right back. Get comfortable on the bed." I make sure to keep eye contact with him while walking back towards the restroom, a sultry smile on my face. I do a little spin to walk the rest of the way to the bathroom, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. He hasn't moved an inch when I turn to close the bathroom door behind me.

Leaning my back against the door, I exhale a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I was shaking with nerves at finally having Adaman all to myself. We had done stuff together before, but this was going to take everything to the next level. We were going to take our connection to the next level and my knees were shaking just thinking about it. There was a toilet and a shower stall next to each other and a sink with a mirror across from them. A few towels were sitting on a stool next to the sink.

Hanging up on the shower stall was Adaman's jacket that Mai had nabbed and put here for me. I undid my kimono and neatly folded all the pieces and stored them on the towels. Taking the jacket down, I slipped my arms in and pulled it over my shoulders. I stared at myself in the mirror, standing there in my lingerie, wearing his jacket. I reached up and ran my fingers along the necklace that now adorned my neck, the diamond glinting in the light, a replica of the one Adaman always wore.

I couldn't help but think about him and how he made me feel. He made me feel supported like I could go to him with any possible problem or insecurity and he would help me do whatever needed to be done to get through it. I always felt wanted by him. Even when I didn't feel desirable, he was always reassuring me that he wanted whatever I had to offer. He never seemed to be able to keep his hands off of me and it was a physical struggle to do so when he had to.

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