꧁Crying Count:02꧂

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Nico and Will have been dating for two years in this 🤭
(TW: mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, the f slur)

Will wrapped his arms around his sleeping boyfriend. The two laid on a bed in the Hades cabin.

They technically weren't breaking the 'no two demigods of different genders and parental history are to be left alone in the same cabin together' as that had been directed to the straight campers. Although it was only a matter of time before Chiron changed the rule so that no two campers are to be left alone together. (Wait till he hears about poly relationships💀)

Will was usually asleep by this time, but Nico's face was just so captivating. While most people wouldn't find the son of Hades to be attractive, Will thought he looked like Aphrodite. Nico let out a sigh as a small smile appeared on his face.

Will could feel his eyelids become heavy as the night wore on. Soon enough, he was snoring as he held Nico.


Will awoke to someone sobbing silently. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He turned to the sound to see Nico holding his head in his hands.

Will jolted up from the bed and ran over to his boyfriend.

"Nico! What's wrong?" He asked, placing a hand on his face.

Nico looked up at him, his eyes were red and puffy. He hadn't realized Will had awoken.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "It's just that around this time is when Bianca had died." That wasn't completely a lie, his sister had died around this time of year, but it wasn't completely true, he wasn't crying for that reason.

Will gently wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "She had been taken so soon, but your father always says that some deaths can't be prevented." Will had began rubbing small circles on his back.

"I know," Nico sniffled, "but she was only 12."

Will knew how he felt, he had lost a lot of his siblings during the battle of Manhattan, but he wouldn't tell Nico that because it's rude to talk about your experiences when someone is venting to you.

He whispered soothing words in Nico's ear as he slowly but surely calmed.

"How about we go for a walk in the forest?" Will offered, once Nico's tears had dried. "Sure." He smiled softly.

Will have him a kiss on the forehead, unwrapping his arms from around the son of Hades.


Will slipped his sneakers onto his feet and turned to Nico. "Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." Nico replied, slipping on his aviators jacket.

Nico slipped his hand into Wills as they walked out of the cabin.

The two began walking toward the forest, stopping every once in while to greet a friend. Will was smiling the whole time but Nico could hear the whispers. He could hear each and ever word campers said about them as they passed, hand in hand.

Soon enough, they arrived at the entrance to the forest, Will led the way through the forest, over fallen trees and through bushes, until he finally came to a stop in a small open area.

He sat down on the grass, Nico sitting next to him.

"I found this area during capture the flag." Will explained, filling the silence.

"It's so... quiet here." Nico stated, leaning his head on Will's shoulder.

"I thought you'd like that." Will smiled, wrapping an arm around Nico.

The two sat in silence.

"I love you, Will." Nico spoke up.

"I love you too, Neeks!" William said, smiling widely.


The two lovers walked back to the cabins, hand in hand.

"Hey, Neeks." Will spoke.

Nico hummed.

"Would you mind if I slept in the Apollo cabin tonight?"

"I don't mind." Nico smiled at him.

They arrived in front of the Apollo cabin. Will let go of Nico's hand.

"Goodnight, Neeks." He gave him a quick kiss before walking into the cabin.

Nico softly smiled as he began his way to his cabin.

Suddenly, something collided with his face. He put a hand on his face. A large rock laid on the ground. Another one came flying at him, hitting him in the shoulder. The rocks kept coming, striking him in the back, his chest, his legs, his arms, everywhere. He began running toward his cabin. He arrived and threw the door open before closing it.

He could hear rocks pelting the cabin. One rock broke through the cabin window. It had a note. Nico grabbed the letter and opened it.

'Kill yourself, fag.'

Then there were horrid words each in a different handwriting.

'Monster, murderer, bastard, die, demon, you should have died in Tartarus.'

There were more, but Nico couldn't bring himself to read them.

He crumpled up the piece of paper, tossing it on the ground, he couldn't do this anymore. He glanced at some rope that held a large mirror.


Will was dishing out a plate of bacon and eggs to bring to Nico in the pavilion when Chiron clopped his hooves to get everyone's attention.

"As much as I'd hate to start the day off with bad news, I have an important matter to share." He said, his expression grim. "Many of you here are familiar with Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades." He went silent for a few seconds, his eyes focusing on Will. "Sadly, Nico took his life last night."

Will dropped the plate, it shattered against the cement. His eyes were wide in shock. Everyone looked at him.

"Nico had left two notes, one for all of the campers and one for William Solace." He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and began to read.

"I have decided to fulfill everyone's wish and leave this world, I hope that will make you all feel safer at camp knowing that the son of Hades is gone." He finished.

Will put a hand up to his mouth to stifle a sob. Chiron clopped over to him and held out a second piece of paper.

Will unfolded the paper.

'Dear Will, I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. But I just couldn't do it anymore, the harassment and the insults being thrown at me left and right. I hope you can forgive me and remember I love you.'

Tears began streaming down Will's face as he read the note. He hugged it against his chest as he cried.

"I-I need to do something." He quickly said, walking away.

He stood in front of the Hades cabin. He opened the door and walked inside. He fell to his knees when he saw a noose hanging from the ceiling.

He began sobbing, holding his head in his hands.


(I just realized that I killed Nico off twice in a row and I apologize, I have decided that Nico will NOT die next one shot <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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