chapter 2 ~ sophie

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As much as she didn't want to admit it, Sophie was scared of everyone at this camp. Even the kids who looked like they were 8 years old. But who could blame her? These people are training with real weapons, they've had 2 wars in the last 2 years, and they were extremely tough looking.

"Another new day with you brats. We have a new camper. An unclaimed demigod by the name of... Stephanie Ferguson?" Mr. D, the camp director, announced. Everyone looked at Sophie again. She felt her face and neck heat up, suddenly becoming uncomfortable.

Chiron whispered into Mr. D's ear, "Yeah, yeah, whatever," He grumbled, "Sorry, Sophie Foster." She heard people start whispering and muttering about her, and she felt self conscious again. This reminded her of her first day at Foxfire, when Dame Alina shined a spotlight on her, literally.

Sophie always hated the attention. From anyone, in any given situation. Being the Moonlark and being raised in the Forbidden Cities as a "child prodigy", Sophie was never viewed as a normal person. Not by her peers, not by her family, and certainly not by the council.

"Now get on with your stupid days!" Mr.D called.

Mr. D was definitely... something. The way he spoke to the kids, the way he acted about everything so nonchalantly, it made it seem like he was here against his will. With his pudgy features, his red-blotchy face, and his stupid leopard print shirt, it also made Sophie feel that he was more powerful then he was letting on. 

She saw Clarisse walking to all the other cabins, inviting all the more traditionally "powerful-looking" demigods to what she assumed was the war council meeting. The fact that Sophie only just arrived and they were already planning a meeting to see what would happen terrified her. She loves all her friends and she is proud to be an important member of the Black Swan, but it never worked like this. It would take me weeks to just have an insignificant conversation with Mr. Forkle, at least before Sophie knew his other identities.

But other than that, Sophie knew that these people had been through a lot, especially because they were literally organizing a war council. It stumped her that as a bunch of children and teenagers, needed a war council. Unless, they were also wrapped up in constant war threats like Sophie and her friends seem to be. That theory seemed very likely, seeing as they had a freaking war committee and had been through several wars before! She hoped that they were at least somewhat welcoming, like how Clarisse and Travis had been. Sophie has been picked on her whole life. By the stupid high schoolers, and Stina. At least Stina seemed to be getting better. Technically, Sophie was in the high school age range, but she could still talk about them like that. And thanks to the attitude that Stina has been giving her lately, they might have to go back to square one. 

Thinking about Stina got her thinking about the Lost Cities again. Sophie knew that she would be at Camp Half-Blood for a while. She wanted to see her parents again. She was going to miss them greatly. They were probably the best things that happened to her after she moved to the Lost Cities. Edaline and Grady loved her like crazy, and it brought a smile to her face knowing that the moment they'd realize she was gone, they'd be looking for her. And so would Sandor, the other bodyguards, the Black Swan, and all her friends. Well, not Keefe. But he was somewhere else now. Sophie hoped that he was okay, but there was no knowing if he really was. A bittersweet feeling washed over her. Feelings were complicated, and Sophie knew that very well. But she needed an empath to talk to. Not only because he would pick up on the feelings, but he would know how to talk to her about it. He would make her laugh and smile and love the fact that the only reason they became friends is because is Lady Galvin. 

"What're you smiling about?" Travis's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

She blushed, suddenly remembering that there were people all around her, "Um... n-nothing," she stammered stupidly.

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