chapter 4 ~ sophie

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Sophie nearly jumped out of her seat. Fear and excitement encased her as she realized what just happened. She knew the voice that had just transmitted into her mind, but her stupid "photographic" memory couldn't fully identify who it was. A thought floated into the front of her currently malfunctioning brain.

If someone can transmit to you, maybe you can try transmitting back to them?

The little voice echoed throughout her brain, causing her previous headache to slowly start pulsating again.

Sophie shook her head violently, attempting to shake the sudden ache out of her head physically. But she did as the tiny, yet weirdly loud, voice suggested.

She shut her eyes tightly and reached her index fingers up to her temples. She imagined Fitz, in all his teal-eyed, movie-star smile, glory. She imagined how his smile shined like the morning star in the crisp sunlight that the Lost Cities provided.

As tiring as it was, she needed to find a way to communicate with someone. Anyone really. She put her index fingers on her temples, continuing to imagine Fitz.

Sophie's thoughts circled, spiraling around what seemed to be Fitz's consciousness. She was about to say something but then the door burst open.

Sophie shrieked with surprise, her headache worsening by the second. She looked up, furious at the people who had stopped her from reaching Fitz, only to find the other demigods staring at her like she was the weird one.

"Why did you do that?!" She snapped at them. Sophie's eyes were wide, her right one twitching with annoyance.

"Do what?" Jason asked.

"You distracted me! I was about to... About to..." She needed to find a way to justify her anger, but then she would have to explain the whole Telepathy crap, and she was not up for it.

"Look. I want to leave this damned place as much as you probably want me gone, okay?" Sophie said, after momentarily staying silent.

"What does that mean?" Annabeth asked. She seemed intrigued by what I was doing before they opened the door.

"Nevermind about that! What happened out there? Did anyone get injured? Are there any casualties?" She asked nervously, hoping for a way to move them to another direction of the conversation.

All seven of the demigods looked rough, but not deathly injured. They were more concerned about what they thought was a hellish experience, one that they assumed that Sophie was participating in. They stayed silent, staring at her strangely.

"I know that what I was doing looked weird... But I can explain! You know how I'm a telepath, correct?" She tried convincing them.

They all nodded and murmured in agreement, remembering that she mentioned it in her backstory. 

"But what does it mean that you're a telepath?" Leo asked. Out of nowhere, he got a mortified look on his face and he covered his ears, "Can you hear my thoughts right now?!" He slowly stepped away from her. All the people in the room were weirded out, and they were demigods, and elves

"No, I cannot hear your thoughts right now. Because my brain blocks you." Sophie explained simply. 

"Does your mind automatically block us?" Piper asked. She seemed the most intrigued out of anyone in the group regarding Sophie's telepathy.

"No. When I lived here, in the United States, I didn't know how to block thoughts. So every single day I had to hear what everyone thought. It hurt, but after a while I sort of became numb. Things that used to bother me stopped irking me as much, even if they did sting a little. I had to hear my own parents compare me and my sister whenever I did something 'not normal'. That probably damaged me greatly as a child, because I've been a telepath since I was five years old." She rambled, chuckling to herself at parts.

Everybody looked at Sophie with pity. She was confused. Had she said something wrong? Something bad enough for them to display these expressions on their faces? Something so weird that they had to cover their disgust with fake empathy? It was hard to tell. It always was, especially because I got so used to hearing thoughts. The true feelings of everyone around me.

"Sorry for rambling that was uncalled for," Sophie mumbled, trying to diffuse the tension. She knew that everybody was looking at her. She felt it. It was like a blaze on her back. And it was uncomfortable as hell.

"What were you doing know though? Before we walked in and you yelled at us," Frank asked. He seemed almost timid. Although, he was tall and large, so Sophie didn't see why he would be frightened, especially because of Sophie, in her 5'4 glory.

"I... I heard a voice..."

Percy's eyes widened, "A voice? What kind of voice?"

"I don't know." Sophie was a bit weirded out by the sudden change in his demeanor.

"You don't know?"

"The person's voice sounded familiar. But, I'm blanking out on who it could be." Sophie searched every corner of her mind for recognition.

"So," Annabeth started to say, "Do you think we could come back here tomorrow? I think it would be good is Sophie got close to everyone at camp, because she's obviously going to stay here for a while..."

"I know that I just got here. But I really don't want to stay long. I want to see my family." Sophie told them. She'd been thinking the same thing all day, and she honestly couldn't wait until she got home.

"I understand," Annabeth said, with a more serious tone, "It's noon. We'll all reconvene tomorrow morning. Alright?" Annabeth asked. Everybody, including Sophie, nodded in response.

All the demigods, save for Annabeth, Percy, and Grover, who was not technically a demigod, but still, filed out of the room. Sophie was about to leave, because it seemed that the three of them were going to have a private conversation but, Percy stopped her at the last second.

"Hey, uh, Sophie? We need to speak with you." The demigods that had left the room (Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, and Frank) were intrigued by Percy's request.

"Sure." Sophie smiled awkwardly, giving a quick nod, before stepping back into the room.

A/N AHHHHHHH! THIS TOOK ME LIKE 5 MONTHS TO WRITEEEEE. IM SO SO SORRY! I FEEL BADDDD. but now I'm here. and updates will most likely be more consistent. also, sorry for the boring and short chapter. and remember! comment on grammar and spelling mistakes! ❤️❤️❤️

word count: 1101

finished: september 28th 2023

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