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Inspirational music plays over an image of the American flag and the LAPD shield. Then it cuts to West standing in the station lobby, where he and Nolan are obviously filming a recruitment video.

"Good morning, Officer Nolan. Ready for another exciting day out on the streets of Los Angeles?" West asks

"Yep. Coffee?" Nolan then asks

"No, thanks, I get all the rush I need from making this beautiful city of ours safer every single day." West says and Chen enters with a smile

"And you will too if you join the LADP. I mean PD." Chen corrects

"Cut! Go again." The director yells and they do another take

"And you will too - Um, I'm sorry. What do I say again?" Lucy asks

"Cut!" The director yells again

"LAPD." Nolan and West both tell Lucy and they take another take

"Action." The director says

"I do too. And so will you if - as well if you join the LA ..." Chen says wandering off of what she was saying

"Cut!" The director yells again

"I need to spit out my gum." Nolan says and they take another take

"Action." The director says

"And that's why we joined the LAPD." Chen, Nolan, and West all say

The camera pulls back to show that the video is being shown on a screen in the briefing room to the assembled shift officers. Grey presses pause on the video amid laughter from the viewers.

"L.A.'s finest." Grey says

"Okay, guys, I know there were a few stumbles in there, yes, in the beginning, but this is Hollywood, right? They fix that stuff in the editing. I think this video's gonna make the department very proud." Nolan says

"Officer Bradford, would you like the honor?" Grey asks

"Actually, sir, I think that should go to Lopez - the whole thing was her idea." Tim says and I give him a look

"Lopez?" Grey asks me

"There is no promotional video." I say

"You got punked." Talia said and Grey brings out a bowl of popcorn and continues to play the video

"This sucks. I - This is awful." On screen Chen says

"No, you're doing good." Nolan says

"Can I get more powder? I'm sweating blocks." West says

"Can I get a copy of this for my kid?" Nolan asks


Jessica Russl\o speaks to a group of officers. She's wearing a suicide bomb vest and holding a detonator.

"We're all gonna die. Right here. Right now. This bomb is packed with C4, ball bearings, screws, broken glass. When this thing goes off, this whole room is gonna turn into a blender. And guess what. If you don't die instantly, you're gonna suffer fatal, secondary infections because I soaked the shrapnel in my own filth. Now, you've all been taught to shoot on sight when you see a bomber, right? But you can't shoot me, because I'm holding a dead man's switch. I let it go, it detonates. So your only shot at survival is to talk me into giving up. But you only have ten words to do it." She says then talks to West "Go."

"U-Um, ma'am, you you don't want to do this." West says

"Boom." Jessica says releasing the plunger on the detonator mockup then says "It's a slaughterhouse in here." She then turns to Chenand says "Go."

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