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"I want to know the truth seokjin . why did you lied to me???Why you killed your own parents.. Did they abusive towards you?did they beat you? Tortured you???!and what are written on internet.... All are TRUE???!! "
Taehyung asked seokjin sitting on bed...
Jin was crying beside him standing...
Jin held his large belly for support to sit near taehyung's leg..
"My parents were not bad.they always wanted good for me.i was not poor...my father was a businessman.my mom dad loved me.it never happened like when i asked for anything and my parents didn't give me...but unknowingly i came in contact with some bad friends... At the age of 12 or 13 i got car as a birthday gift from my parents. I started going night Party as my friends house and staying the whole night.getting fully drunk i used to come home in morning. I Couldn't attend my school. Few days later my parents got to know the reason of missing the school and my mother had beaten me with hokey stick and told me not to go to my friends house at night even tell me to break the friendship like no contact,avoid them...but i didn't listen to them.i continued to meet with them and started taking drugs...i couldn't concentrate on my studies and started failed in subjects.

My parents had forbidden to go out from home and started my home schooling. But they did one mistake. they didn't take my phones.so i updated everything what happening to me to my friends. One of the boy named ken,i liked him.. But he always saw me as friend. I trusted him the most among all of my friends. I felt like my parents were snatching my freedom. I wanted to be free.ken told me to kill my parents. Its the only way to get back my freedom. We were child, immature... After effect were unknown to us...
I agreed...!"

Jin looked at taehyung and there was no reaction on his face.he emotionlessly sat there.so jin decided to start...

"That night i called my father to come home early.He loved me and agreed to me.i cooked some special dishes. I also served him his dinner but i didn't eat with him.then i gave him coffee.my dad liked to drink coffee made by me.i mixed sleeping pill on my father's coffee.That day was my birthday so my father brought a diamond ring for me.He gave it to me.we drank coffee and gossiping about where we should go for our next vacation... Slowly slowly the medicine started his action and my father fall a sleep on the sofa.

When my father got home,firstly he asked about my mom.where she was?i told him she took her dinner and slept as she was not feeling well.but actually i mixed sleeping pill on her dinner and medicine did its action that why she was sleeping.

Then i took the sharp knife what ken supplied me.i at first took the knife and went to my mother room.beside my mother my brother jimin was sleeping. I stabbed her leg first.blood oozing out.my brother had woken up and seeing the blood he started shouting like why i hurted mom.so i put locked him in bathroom.
Then i took my mom's body in the bathroom and stabbed in her stomach repeatedly... flooding the bathroom floor with her blood.
Then i went to my dad.and stab in his stomach one time.and then took his body on the same bathroom where mom was dying in her sleep.as they were sleeping so they didn't screamed when i hurted them.may they even didn't understand they were dying. I then repeatedly stabbed my father's abdomen again & again...i didn't want to leave any chance to save by any chance.
After killing them i felt like came back to my senses. What have i done!!!i killed my parents. Now now what happen??? I went to other room and took out my brother from bathroom and left the house with him.i tried to ran away.before going out i told the maid to clean the bathroom. But she betrayed me and called the police.
I hired a cab and wanted to go somewhere. Then i realised i don't have anyone.where i will go with my brother. The cab drive somehow understood that i have no place to go so he took me to his home,gave me and my brother dinner and let us stay in his home for that night.in the morning i went out from there with my brother and left my brother in one if my relatives house and surrendered myself to police.... That day i realised what Mistake i had done.in this world no one there except your own parent.that friend ken who provoked me to kill my parents got bailed within few days of staying in jail cause of his parents power
They were rich...on the other hand i had no one.during this 10 years no one went there to meet me.when in police station they were asked if i want to call in my house.... I never called because i had no one to call... Neither anyone from my grandfather's house called me in these 10 years.everyone abandoned me..why they will accept me i killed their son and daughter.... "

"I thought you would have a good reason to kill your parents. But you did it Because of immaturity, silliness, being provoked..i stood with you... Infront of dad but now i realise i did biggest mistake... . If someone provoked you to kill me,you will never think twice to do it right?if something will not according to you by any person, you will kill that person?? I don't want to see your face in the morning. Please leave from my house. And i don't want the child in your womb...i don't want child from a murderer like you..!"

When taehyung came back in his room he saw jin was lie down on the bed.

"So shameless you are jin..what are do doing here...?"

"I am going to sleep in this bed...I want to spend my last night with you before going out from your life...!"

Taehyung went to him and took out a knife from his pocket and showed it to jin...

"Do not even try think about killing me...i also have knife remember that...i feel afraid to even stay in the same room with you!i feel disgust to sleep with a liar and a murderer"

Last 2 line hurted jin the most...

✅Dirty ⛔ 🔵(Taejin)|completed|✔️Where stories live. Discover now