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Y'all I'm sorry I haven't been updating... You see I've been having these... Issues...

Welp, my inspiration for these stories comes from my boyfriend and before you all go, "Aw! How cute!", it's honestly not because I've been suffering with anxiety(currently self diagnosed but highly known) and an worsening eating disorder...

You see, I've been trying to talk to him for some comfort but he's the type of person where all good in his life will always follow him so he really doesn't understand to have mental problems...

My family doesn't believe in having things wrong mentally so they don't get me the help I need so I've been battling this on my own.

This isn't a cry for help or anything; I just wanted to let my thousands of amazing readers know the reason why I'm not updating these cutesy one-shots...

Well yeah, I just wanted to let you all know what's up and stuff.....

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