Stars and Stripes~America

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L-Like I know you hear this home-girl pick up the damn phone! P-Pick up the damn phone girl! Your phone rang with your patriotic boyfriend's special ring-tone. You groaned and turned over but shot out of the bed before the tone could end and answered it. "YO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALFIE!!!!!!!" you shouted. 
"Thanks babe! So hey, come over as soon as your ready! I'm throwing a kick ass birthday party and I need my kick ass girl to be there!" he shouted back at you. You looked over to the alarm clock. "Alright! It's 9:34(actual time when I started this) and I'll be there around 11-ish. Sounds great?"
"Sounds fantabulous! See ya later babe. Loves you bye!" he hung up. You danced around your room and stopped short. "What should I wear..." you thought aloud as you checked your phone for the weather. "90 degrees! I'm so bringing a bathing suit and wearing shorts." Setting your phone down and looking through your closet, you looked in the far back and came across the perfect outfit(see picture). "Yes...this is amazing!"

You rapidly pressed the door bell to you boyfriends house over and over again, even still after he answered the door. "(Name) (Name)!" he shouted over the ringing. Looking up at him and blushing, you softly said, "Sorry..." He let you inside the house. "I see you went all out!" you said as you eyed the living room. Everything and I mean everything was covered with the American flag. Alfred laughed his heroic laugh and said, "I see you did too! You look hot!" You twirled around and said, "I had to for my favorite country!" You kissed his cheek. "So Alfie, who else is here?" "Ivan! sopt trying to put your flag's rude! C'mon stop!" begged your best friend, Scatty. "Da da, for my little Sunflower I will." gave in her boyfriend, Ivan. 

Scatty and Ivan walked out of a room with Scatty holding a folded Russia flag. Her face read annoyed but as soon as she saw yours, she lit up and ran to you. "OMH! It's been like 6 months since I saw you! And you've grown so much!" She eyed your boobs and began a groping like motion. "I only have access to these." said Alfred, putting his arm around your girls. Your turned multiple shades of red. "Whatever. Well anyway, it's great to see you!" 

The party was going great! Alfred invited everyone he and you knew including your parents and older brother, which made you ecstatic! "Onii-chan! Nii nii!" you shouted to your brother over the loud music. "Girl we are American! Use bro and what do you want?" he said to you. "Where's my Alfie?"
"Out back and we need to go out there too!"  He dragged you outside and when you walked out, everyone looked at you and either smiled or 'awwed'. "Nii nii...why is everyone staring at me? I mean I know I'm hot and everything but what's the deal?"  you asked. he ignored you and walked you over to Alfred who attacked you in a hug. "Alright guys! Now that my girlfriend is out here, the fireworks can begin! Ready Leon?" he shouted. 

Leon threw a really amazing firework show. Some were in colors that you didn't even know existed with fireworks and others had shapes and messages! One read, "Happy Birthday!" and another said, "4th of July!" "There's one more that you need to see, (Name)." said alfred as he nudged you awake. Leon launched the final firework into the night sky. It exploded and the messaged that read was, "Marry Me?" You gasped and rubbed your eyes. "Wh-what?" Friends and family began to 'aww' and you looked to Alfred who was down on one knee. "(Name), you are kick ass girl and I love you so much. Before, I didn't feel that I would find anyone as special as you and now that I have, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. So would you like to be my sidekick?" He held out a ring that had his flag printed on it. You squealed and shouted,"YES!"

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