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—>Jungkook's POV

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—>Jungkook's POV

I'm alive.. but how?

I woke up with a sharp feeling on the back of my head.


I grunted in pain, pressing on the wound.

All I remember is me getting chased by an unknown figure and then suddenly.. everything went black.

But why was I getting chased? I got my phone out and started trying to recall what had happened before I got hit.

Guys, I'm going down to the second floor.

Tae, Jimin if I don't come back, I'm sorry.

Oh my god!! Hyung why would you leave?! You said yourself to stay in you our hiding place! Why did you have the need to get out?!

Are you back now?


Hobi hyung left for the 2nd floor because he had heard a noise, but he wasn't answering my texts so I went to take a look.

And then..

A trail of blood.

A pool full of red.

And then someone chasing me.

I got hit, ..but I'm still alive.

I felt so overwhelmed with stress, frustration and confusion, I just don't know anymore.

Nothing is making sense, I'm unsure my hyungs are safe and that pool of blood, what.. how..?

I stood up, noticing a puddle of blood on the area my head was on. I looked at it surprised.

I lost a lot of blood.

Next to the puddle, I also noticed a small stone.

The lucky crystal Tae hyung gave me.

It does work.


I put my phones flashlight on and started walking towards the big hall.

I still had that uneasy feeling, but this time, it wasn't as bad. Now it just feels like a dream. My feet felt as light as a feathers, the unreal glow from the moon was making it feel surreal.

Believe it or not, I felt calmer after that black out.

I looked around the massive hall, if felt as though all the corridors were the same.

I almost had a heart attack when my phones flashlight went off, my only source of light now the moon.


My battery ran out.

What do I do now? Is there a charger near by?

I facepalmed myself, now starting to panic.

Then I remembered the portable charger I had in my bag! It was downstairs, in the living room..


I held my breath as I walked past the kitchen ..Yoongi hyung was killed in.


I walked back to the open door of the kitchen.

A pool of blood, but..

..no Yoongi hyung?

I heard footsteps coming closer and hastily ran into the living room and closed the door.

I glanced straight at the couch and immediately recognised my bag, I hastily took out the charger and plugged it in my phone.

The journey from the second floor and this floor was terrifying. I could barely see were I was going and I nearly slipped down a stairs!

I sighed in relief. Thank god. With my luck, I thought I was never going to find it.

As I waited for it to get at least 30%, I heard some one call my name.

I looked around startled.

"Jin hyung?"


Oh Jungkook's alive, I bet you didn't see that one coming.

Finished and published: Tue 18 April 2023

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