Chapter 34

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Sade's POV:

Slowly, one after the other, my senses were coming to.

First, I heard the unpleasant beeping of a machine, irritating my auditory senses. Then, I could smell hand sanitizer, a room that wasn't mine, and clean sheets? I felt a stick-like object inserted in my right arm, and tape pinching my skin along with it. It felt like my clothes had been changed to something much more flowy and absent. Fluorescent lights panged my eyes, making them squint as I tried to open them.

Looking around me, I quickly realized I was in the hospital. The problem is, I had no idea why or how I'd gotten here.

A blonde, young looking nurse walked in wearing light blue scrubs and her hair in a ponytail. Her eyes widened when she saw me. She immediately exited the room before even entering and I heard her shouting, "she's awake!!"

How long have I been here?

She returned with two other nurses, each wearing glad smiles.

"Hey there," the taller, dark-haired woman said. She seemed a bit older than the blonde. "How are you feeling?" She asked as the short, brown-haired nurse came to check the machine.

"I'm okay I think," I said groggily, trying to sit up a little, but it kind of hurt. "I'm extremely thirsty though."

The three of them chuckled a bit,

"That's understandable," one said. "But other than that, how do you feel? Physically or otherwise." I pursed my lips in thought.

"It hurts when I move, but fine otherwise." They nodded, but I continued the more I thought about me being here. "What happened? How long have I been here?"

The blonde nurse explained to me how I'd eaten some syrup or oil ingredient I was deadly allergic to and passed out at a restaurant. Apparently I had my family and friends sick with worry. She told me I'd tried to give up on them about three times, but finally pulled through in the end. It seems my body hurts because the food is still tracing through my system and it'll be another 24 hours before it passes completely.

As she spoke, I processed. My mind focused mainly on the friends and family part. That's when I immediately realized Lauren wasn't in the room with me.

Where is she?

"Are they still here, my friends and family?" The taller nurse nodded,

"Yes, they are. Would you like us to bring them in?" I nodded, giving her a soft grin. "Alright, well everything looks good here so we'll be back shortly with your family." She smiled and the three of them slipped through the large door.

About ten minutes later, the door opened again and I smiled weakly, seeing Aria first. Then came Hunter, Tina, Lyric, the twins, my mom, her boy toy, and.... No Lauren? Where the hell is she?    

I'd already had a frown creeping in once I saw my mom then that man she calls her fiancé. But after seeing everyone except for Lauren, it was deeper now. I didn't even have a chance to ponder it because my mom rushed to my side with a worried look on her face. I was skeptical of her at the sight of it.

"Dear God Sade, you scared us," she said, hugging me.

Reluctantly, I hugged her back the best I could, a toothless grin tugging my lips.

"Yeah dude, you had us shaken up there for a second." Lyric quipped. I smiled, looking around at them with low eyes.

"I'm fine, you all can relax," I said.

"Yeah yeah, next time just stick to what you know alright?" 'Thena said, causing everyone to chuckle a bit.


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