The pain and struggle (chapter two)

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Pairings: Stella Kidd and Kelly Severide

Mentions: Jake Carver, Gallo, Mouch, Brett and Violet

Summary: When two firefighters fell in love with each other and their lives changed for good

Author's Note: This story is inspired by the TV series Chicago Fire and it deals with the lives of our real-life heroes

Warnings: Dealing with PTSD
If you know someone dealing with PTSD please go and check on them as they will need someone around

A loud explosion rocked the building and the first responders that surrounded it. Kelly looked up to see smoke coming from the building and started calling Stella on the radio and waited for the response. He turned around to look at Boden and the SWAT team leader. Boden gave Kelly the nod and Kelly screamed for the squad rescue. The Swat Team Leader looked at Boden and said
"We don't know if there are any secondary devices "
Boden replied
"My men know what they are doing ".
Kelly rushed into the building and screamed
" Stella and Carver call out "
Kelly found an unconscious Pryma on the floor and told the squad rescue to look after him. As Kelly continued further into the building, Kelly looked over the edge of the table and found Carver struggling to rise. Kelly looked at Tony and Cap and told them to look over Carver. Kelly then spied Stella on the floor against the wall and ran over to her, calling her name. Stella came to when Kelly gently touched her to remove the helmet and said
"Here let me have a look at you "
Stella was gasping in pain as Kelly began to search for wounds when he noticed blood on her side and saw a piece of shrapnel that was on her side.

Kelly radioed Boden that everyone was accounted for and required two stretchers. Stella and Pryma were taken out on the stretchers as Tony and Cap walked out of the building and Mouch and Gallo took a dazed Carver walked out of the building and told them that Stella had saved them and she took the brunt of the blast.

The medics took Pryma to the ambulance and Brett and Violet took Stella. Brett asked
"Are there any exits wound "
Violet looked at Brett and said
" No".
Brett and Violet tender to Stella while Kelly, a pained look on his face held his hands over Stella's wound to stop the bleeding. Brett and Violet loaded Stella into the Ambulance, as Kelly stopped and looked over at Boden and Boden nodded his head. Kelly slid into the ambulance and closed the door. Brett was working on Stella in the back of the Ambo as they had an escort to the hospital. Brett asked Kelly to keep pressure on her wound as she gave Stella some medication to help ease the pain. Stella slid off the mask and asked
" did Pryma  make it out alive "
Kelly leaned in and said
" yes he made it because of you "
Stella screamed in pain. Brett looked at Stella and asked
" would you like some morphine to help with the pain "
Stella looked at her and said
"give me everything you have "
They arrived at Chicago Med and they rushed both Pryma and Stella to OR  and Carver had to be checked out as well.
The team all waited impatiently to hear news on both Stella and Carver. Carver walked out of the ED and headed over to sit with the crew when Cruz walked over to Carver and asked if he was alright. Carver looked up and nodded and said he was absolutely fine. Kelly walked out to the ED where the crew was and in shocked and said
" Stella made it out of surgery and the shrapnel missed all her important organs and she will have to take three weeks off to recover"
The whole crew let out a sigh of relief and all wanted to give Kelly hugs and they all left the hospital.
After the team, all left the hospital
As the team left the hospital, Kelly walked back into the ED and asked
"Where can I find Stella's room"
The nurse looked at Kelly and said
" her room is 124 "
Kelly walked to Stella's room and saw her lying there peacefully. he walked in closed the door and walked over to her and kissed her lips softly and grabbed the chair and slid into it waiting for her to wake up.
A couple of hours later, Kelly was asleep in the chair beside her and Stella began to wake up and groan in pain and tried to sit up, Kelly heard her groan and woke up. Kelly slid off the chair gently kissed her lips and said
" you scare the hell out of me"
Stella looked at him and said
"I'm so sorry babe, I can't feel my legs at the moment"
Kelly looked at her saying
" The doctors gave some strong pain medication to help with your pain as you had a piece of shrapnel in your side"
Stella groans and asks Kelly if he wants to snuggle with her on the bed. Kelly looked at her and smiled, he wasn't going to say no to having some cuddle with his girl

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