Chapter 21

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Days flew fast as the hunting festival already begun...

I was busy fixing myself  without any help from servants of the empire. Finlal already left and the first prince was not yet my official knight, therefore I'm on my own.

" lady Calithea"

I stop mid air when I heard lady Katrina's voice

I gave her a warm smile. "What makes the lady so happy?" I asked as she approach me with happiness.

"The emperor agreed, he'll make me his partner!" she shrieked and hug me tightly. "thank you lady Calithea!" she said with so much joy and pleasure.

" I thought that you're an evil but you proved me wrong you're a god sent!" She added.

I just smile at her.

Everyone was gathered outside the imperial palace wherein everyone was allowed to enter the imperial walls for the emperor's speech and declaration of the festival.

It only happens once a year and this became their tradition since then. This is the only time that thr imperial walls will be open for the crowd and many people are gathered and take this opportunity to take a step inside the emperial home.

I was sitting comfortably on one of the chairs provided for the imperial guests when Luka sit beside me.

" I believe that the imperial prince should be seated beside the emperor your highness" I said.

He immediately glare at me with his raging red eyes. It just make his eye color become brighter when he is angry. I immediately looked away.

"What did you do to Hafere?!" He whispered angrily.

I snorted when I saw Hafere walking toward our direction but immediately change his direction when he saw me.

" I didn't do anything" I denied.

I heard his heavy breathing trying to calm himself.

" What about the lightning? are you trying to kill us Zephyrine?!" He growl.

" I don't know what were you talking about your highness. Please go back to your position, this chair is supposed to be for imperial visitors " I said in a matter of fact.

He clench his jaw before he took his leave.

" Give respect to his majesty emperor of Kalliste Empire!"

All of the people bend on their knees to give their respect at the emperor as the event was about to start.

While nobles stood up and bow their head low.

Cillian signal to raise our heads as he start his opening speech before the festival officially start.

"People of mu beloved  empire! Our hunting festival is sure near in our hearts. Hunting is our ancestor's greatest heritage that we used to enjoy every year, but this year will be very special. " He said meaningfully.

As soon as our eyes met he gave me a warmth smile that I couldn't comprehend what he was thinking but I know that he is trying to pull a stunt that I wouldn't like at all.

"As I declare the beginning of this event, let me present the empire's greatest gift for the people of Kalliste!" he announced.

"Let me give you the legendary shadows who once feared by the whole world is already in our hands!"

The people cheered!

My heart thump loudly as I saw them being chained by the peacekeeper. I suddenly felt a hole in chest as I heard people's scream and excitement with their presence.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 19 ⏰

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Empress CalitheaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon