she didn't remember much of the two days that followed just that she eventually stumbled upon an old grocery store that hadn't looked super picked over.

she made her way inside grabbing a shopping cart with a squeaky wheel and pushing through the isles throwing in whatever she wanted.

it was stupid really.

her coming here, weak from lack of sleep and food, making so much noise with no protection, not scoping out the area, and no backup.

she blamed herself for the following events

sudden chuckles and conversation from behind her made her turn her head to look at the group of men all ranging from a couple years older than her to men with a full head of grey and face of wrinkles.

"what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here alone"she cursed herself for being so stupid and her hand went to grab her knife holding it shakily to the men infront of her.

she was hopeless.

they all laughed at the sight infront of them and one of them went to grab for her wrist but she moved it just in time cutting his shoulder.

it wasn't deep enough to actually cause damage but enough to make them all mad.

the worst thing that could have happened.

she was petrified.

raiders were known for their ruthlessness but not because of the dead bodies they leave in their wake. no it was because of the way they would leave those bodies.

clothes cut from women ranging from younger than willow to older than tess. the bruises left on their body, the blood between their thighs.

it was disgusting and made willows stomach churn.

the man who seemed to be in charge lunged for her gripping her arms tight enough she was sure it would bruise as two other men grabbed her flailing feet.

they pushed her onto the cold tiled floor ripping down the straps of her tanktop and cutting her bra down the middle. she felt frozen in time.

watching them all watching her flashing their evil smiles.

she had never thought she'd be so happy to see a runner come out from the aisle next to them and rush at one of the guys in the back making them all turn to look.

they released her trying to fight the infected off and willow took the opportunity to grab a gun out of the closest man's pocket and crawl away from the men hiding behind a fallen over storage container watching as the now 3 infected managed to finish all the men off before they were even able to defend themselves.

it was a wonder the men even survived this long with those poor survival skills.

she took the safety off the gun aiming it at the closest ones head and pulling the smooth trigger watching it groan and fall to the floor.

she repeated her previous steps on the other two waiting for them to stop twitching before leaving the safety from behind the storage container.

She put the gun in her back pocket of her jeans regretting not having her other guns available when she needed them. She grabbed the useful stuff she had collected from the cart before searching the mens bodies for anything useful. The gun she had grabbed happened to be the only weapon within the whole group and it only had a couple more shots in it before it as empty.

God it really was a wonder they survived this long.

The abandoned gorcery store was a wakeup call, she needed to be more alert and ontop of things or she wouldnt end up exactly like those men in there. She continued west finally spotting an empty gas station that looked in very rough condition. It was perfect. Cars were lined up all around it providing some sort of protection. But due to the fact it was in such rough condition, no raider would even bother going inside for supplies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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