Mr. Squiggles

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I had followed Cedric back to his house which was only a short walk from the boulder. We sat on his bed, knee to knee, and talked the whole time about how we had been the past 4 years, I learned that he was now the seeker for Hufflepuff's quidditch team and was also quite the womanizer back at school , or so he claims.

I told Cedric all about the torture that was Illvermorny and the bitchy girls who constantly made fun of my accent, but I didn't forget to tell him all about the boys and girls who caught my eye while I was there, my favorite were the girls who weren't afraid of who they really were. They wore fun clothes, dyed their hair vibrant colors, and just had an air around them that just told everyone they were cool.

"Alex, I think that's called a lesbian." Cedric laughed and in response I gave him a light smack on the arm. "And I think you are what people call-"

"Cedric! I'm not gay! I'm not." I said sternly.

"Alex, it's okay if you are."

"I'm not, okay Cedric?" I snapped.

"I'm just saying that there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore your sexuality." He told me gently.

"When you live in my house, there's a lot wrong with it." I whispered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm always here if you need to talk, about everything and anything." He told me with a squeeze to my hand.

"Thank you. I'm here for you too, always." I told him genuinely, returning the squeeze.

"Shall we visit Mr. Squiggles?" He asked as he flipped onto his stomach and began searching through the trunk that was sat at the base of his bed. I took this as an opportunity to take in his room that had changed since the last time I was here.

The walls were still white, but one of them was painted a bright yellow, to show his school pride. The white walls all covered in art and pictures. The art were all painted or drawn by him of the different places him and Amos have been. The pictures all moved and were filled with people who were an important part of his life. The biggest was of Cedric and his parents in Diagon Alley, Cedric only 11 with a new owl and a wand box, each in its own hand. Both Amos and Eleanor smiling brightly at the camera and then turning towards their son and enveloping him in a hug, Eleanor planting a big  dramatic kiss to Cedric's cheek.

The rest of the pictures were of his friends and memories at Hogwarts. I spotted one of us at platform 9 and 3/4 on our first day, our arms wrapped around each other and our giant trolleys sitting next to us. Both of us have a giant grin plastered to our faces till we start to move and we turn to each other and do our old handshake before the twins run up to us and tackle us in a hug; then the picture loops, showing the memory over and over again.

I hadn't realized I had stepped off the bed and was standing in front of the picture until Cedric had walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, taking me out of my trance.

"It's one of my favorites." He said quietly.

"I remember this, I was so horribly nervous, but you and the twins were there, and everything was ok again." I said sniffling and noticing the few tears that had escaped my eyes without my permission. I quickly wiped them away and Cedric wrapped me into a hug.

"I missed you, we all did, a lot." He told me before pulling away. "You know who also missed you?" He asked with a playful glint in is eye.

"Mr. Squiggles!" I squealed as he held up the old stuffed squid. I quickly grabbed hold of the stuffed animal and squeezed it to my chest. "Well looks like I have to go and grab Ms. Octavia. We have to head back to my house anyway." I told Ced as I handed back Mr. Squiggles and began walking towards the door.

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