𓍊𓋼 How to know if you're a therian 𓋼𓍊

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First of all, there is no scientific test or proof for Therianthropy. It's considered an identity phenomenon, ontological phenomenon, and a personal belief. So, if there is no real proof, how does a person conclude that he or she is a Therian?

No single behavior, shift, dream, or other experience will determine if you are Therian. There should be multiple experiences that lead you to identify as non-human. Keep in mind that we are biologically and physically human. Also remember, that Therianthropy is an innate part of yourself that you discover and learn about. It's not considered a choice to be a Therianthrope, it's just who you are.

Time Tells

Each individual usually has an accumulation of years of experiences that is attributed to feeling non-human. This gathering of evidence for your personal Therianthropy can include being mindful of your feelings, behaviors, personality, mindset, and therianthropic shifts. This observation of one's self is most important.

Honestly, the only true determining factor is time. If you are still calling yourself a Therian beyond your teenage years and into adulthood, then it will probably stick with you for the remainder of your life. For Therians, the non-human feelings may wax and wane, but they will never completely go away.

What is an Awakening?

When an individual "awakens", this is becoming aware that you are a Therianthrope and have most likely always been a Therianthrope. An awakening is NOT when you start to change into a Therian or decide to be a Therian. Therianthropy is not a choice.

Most but not all Therians reported having vague feelings of being different, not fitting in, and not feeling completely human from a young age. Many say they felt more comfortable around animals instead of other humans. These feelings and emotions were usually persistent for years before searching for explanations online.

Seek Information

Learn everything that you can. There are a lot of good resources about Therianthropy across the internet. Be open to advice from others. Be open to asking for information that will help you. Find blogs and articles by other Therians to read and learn from. Don't blindly trust everything that you find. There is a lot of false and misleading information. Cross-reference with other sources if you can.

Be open to receiving questions. Learn the difference between a question meant to help you, and a question that is clearly mean or disrespectful. Most questions from other Therians are to help you think about yourself and your experiences more deeply and from a different point of view. Thinking rationally and critically is important.

Also learn to recognize neutral information. A lot of info is repeated often within the community, but it's very difficult to judge an individual's level of knowledge. If someone repeats the basics to you, there is no need to get angry. You may know the information presented to you, but another person reading the post may not have known about it. Repeating information is not to invalidate you.

Human or Non-Human Behavior?

We are in human bodies. That can not be denied. Our experiences and behaviors are processed through a human brain. But humans are animals too. You need examine the behaviors and traits that you consider non-human. Are they just human behaviors? Could both animals and humans act this way? Or is the behavior or trait unique to a non-human animal? These questions can also help you find a theriotype or therioside. It's also important to take into consideration when and why the behaviors occurred. Do humans normally act that way in that particular situation?

Be Patient

There is no deadline for finding your answers, and figuring this out can be difficult. Your answers probably won't come quickly or easily. Avoid Quizzes, pendulum readings and tarot readings. They can be fun, but these answers can not be trusted as truth. They are not definitive, and they often lead people astray.

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