Chapter 4:

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--Reader's POV--

Awestruck would be an understatement when attempting to describe the look of complete and utter shock that dressed your face upon entering the restaurant. Classy music played lightly in the background, surprisingly holding it's own against the volume of the crowd gathered within the main room. The room was a blur of colors to your dazzled eyes. Crimson cushions adorned the booth seats, a vermillion diamond pattern stitched into the cloth, as well as the regular chairs that sat at each of the tables. The fancy stools surrounding the bar counter were topped with dark red, almost black, cushions. The bar itself was beautiful. Shelves behind the counter and thin walkway for employees contained colored bottle after colored bottle of various alcoholic beverages. In the rectangular room, the bar was on the far right wall almost in front of the doorway. On the very far left of the room towards the back corner, on a slightly elevated platform serving as a stage, sat a seemingly unused piano.
"Stop gawking and lets sit down by the bar." Marry chuckled, not willing to admit she'd also been momentarily blinded by the overall stunning appearance of the famous bar.
"What-? Oh, yeah." You blinked, turned and motioned for her to go, "Lead the way?"
Marry nodded, regaining her poise and striding elegantly towards a section of empty stools lined up against the bar counter.
"Hand me a drink menu?" Marry requested, pointing to the small black box on the counter a few seat to your right.
You nodded and reached over, grabbing two of the plastic pamphlets, keeping one for yourself and handing one to Marry.
"Just try not to get anything too exciting okay? You're extremely hard to deal with when your wasted." You muttered, attention quickly being grabbed by the selection of beautifully displayed drinks.
"Mhm yeah sure." Marry copied your half distracted tone before seemingly deciding what it was she was going to get and checking to see if you'd decided as well.
She gave a heavy sigh and continued to watch you scan the large menu. After another moment she gave a large huff and snatched the menu out of your grasp.
"Hey I wasn't-"
You were interrupted by Marry pressing her pale finger to your lips and effectively silencing you as you shot her a dark glare.
"Your getting this." She pointed to the drink she was ordering, some kind of orange drink with a slice of some yellow fruit on the side of the cup.
"Hey there, Mr.Waiter guy." Marry called, grabbing the attention of a tall and pale brown haired man who'd previously been facing the other direction.
He turned around, revealing dark brown eyes, and a small curious smile. On his red vest the bar logo sat on your right and his small black tie held a bright blue lightning bolt.
"How can I help you M'lady?" He questioned, walking to be somewhat closer to where you both sat and placing his hands on the counter to lean forward.
After Marry had ordered the drinks the pale man had nodded cheerily and turned to go prepare the beverages.
"I...have to admit I'm glad I tagged along..." You murmured to your blonde friend who simply answered with a triumphant smile.
The two of you chatted away for a bit before another man approached from behind the bar counter, setting the drinks down next to your hands. You turned to thank the man but as soon as you saw him your words shriveled up and died in your now all too dry throat. Luckily, Marry was there as well and handled the 'thanks' for you. The man simply nodded and in a deep voice muttered "No problem.", midnight blue eyes meeting yours for a moment. You smiled softly and you could've sworn you saw a flicker of curiosity dance through his beautiful eyes before he retreated back to his post further down the bar, chatting with the other employee from earlier.
"Are you going to keep staring at him, or are you actually gonna try your drink?" Marry questioned, nudging your arm roughly and shaking you out of your daze.
"Huh...? Oh uh, yeah, sorry." You squeaked, quickly taking a sip from the fruity beverage and taking a moment to let it wash over your tongue, "Mmmmmm."
The image of the slightly familiar looking and all to perfectly chiseled man flashed through your mind again and you didn't hesitate to wash it away with another sip. This was going to be a long night.

[DISCONT.] A Sprinkle Of Venom ( Snake x Reader ) A Victubia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now