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hellooo 👋 so I guess you guys already know this is it. We've reached the end of the story, and I wanted to thank you for having read so far and give this story a chance. This was such a fun experience!

I feel like I've learned a lot since I've started this out, and I appreciate the patience and support. I'll probably rewrite this story to fix some things in the future though since English isn't my first language, but until then it is what it is folks.

all due respect and apologies to blind people if I've misinterpreted something of your daily life or a struggle you often deal with when developing Saki's pov too.

also, question. I have some drafts with other characters of Alice In Borderland as love interests and I'm indecisive af, so i don't know if maybe you guys would want one about someone in particular... pls tell me

but anyways

As always, I hope you're all doing good and, if things are not working out your way, remember it's okay to take your time to deal with them, no matter how long it takes.

take care <3

BIG FISHES, rizuna annWhere stories live. Discover now