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It was dark outside with a full moon and it was quit in the streets it was 00:00 at night and Jhope was walking home after his late night shift " I wish i lived by the cafè I work at " jhope sed but sudenly he felt like someone following him. Jhope lookt behind him and sal no one ' that's weird...' Jhope started walking again but felt someone again following him ' who is t-there' Jhope sed in a scared voice but no one came and eventually he started running ' God pleas keep me safe '

After some time Jhope arrived at him home ' oh my god why did I feel like someone was following, we'll let it be and let's just calm down' Jhope calm himself down and then went to bathroom to fresh up. Jhope came out of the bathroom and felt very tired ' lets just sleep and not think about it' Jhope sed and laid down on his bed and then took out his phone to see if someone send him something

He turned on his phone and sal notifications of some weird number ' who is this?' He said and went to see who it was and the person send pictures of Jhope walking home ' w-who is t-this ' Jhope sed being very scared and put his phone away ' wat is happening w-who is this p-person ' Jhope sed while thinking of that he slowly went to sleep

Jhope woke up to his phone ringing ' who is this oh my god ' he then relies that it was alarm and that he had school ' oh why today I'm tiered ' Jhope sed and then got up and got ready to go to school. After some time he was ready to leave to school ' I hope that creepy stalker won't follow me ' Jhope sigh and then went to school

When Jhope arrived at school he sal his friend Namjoon walking up to him ' hey hobi how was you're vacation?' Namjoon sed ' it was Good but I bit weird ' Jhope see and Namjoon was confuse ' wat do you meen?' He said and Jhope sigh and lookt at him ' wel I was walking home yesterday from the café and sudenly I felt someon following me but their was No one and When I came back home their was a weird Number Who send pics from When I was walking home'

Jhope sed with tears in his eyes Jhope was just scared and didint say anyting ' Hey calm down everything wil be alright now look at me If somthing happens To you Im always their for you ' Namjoon sed and Jhope smiled ' Thanks Namjoon you're just like A brother To me' Jhope sed and then hugged Namjoon ' ofcours but we have To go To class So Il see you later' Namjoon sed and Jhope said also Bye To him and went To his class

Jhope and Namjoon were walking home When Jhope again felt like someon following him ' n-Namjoon I again feel L-like someon following u-us' Jhope sed in A scared voic ' Its okay Im with you' he said and Jhope and Namjoon then started talking To distract them. After Some Jhope arived at home and sat on the couch ' Im To scared To go do my shift but I have To ' Jhope git up and put on his clothes for his shift and then left hopping nothing weird wil happen

Name: Jhope/Hoseok/hobi
Age: 26
Info: Jhope works at A bear by café and has A best friend [namjoon] and A cousin [Felix] and is very sweet
How he looks:

Name: Namjoon/joon/Rm Age: 26 Info: Namjoon is A smart Guy and works at a flower shop and he has a best friend [hoseok] and is also friends with Felix  How he looks:

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Name: Namjoon/joon/Rm
Age: 26
Info: Namjoon is A smart Guy and works at a flower shop and he has a best friend [hoseok] and is also friends with Felix
How he looks:

Name: Namjoon/joon/Rm Age: 26 Info: Namjoon is A smart Guy and works at a flower shop and he has a best friend [hoseok] and is also friends with Felix  How he looks:

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