The Beginning

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Garfield really wanted some discord nitro, so he decided to become a discord kitten. Because Nermal was a little bitch but also really adorable and Garfield lowkey looked like a roasted pickle covered in Cheeto dust, he decided to use Nermals picture for his discord. He found someone named "bigdadiotree" with the description being "I speak for the trees." Garfield was curious of this fellow, so he decided to become his kitten. He was paid a SHAT TON of nitro because he sent booty pics of Kim Kardashian... But that wasn't enough. Garfield wants a true lover, that isn't just using him for his (or other people's) body.

*3 days later*

Garfield finally found someone on Instagram that was low key kinda zesty. He had the body of a sexy ogre. Low key high key turned Garfield on. The username was "donkeykicker" with the description being "you can come to my swamp anytime bbg😘🦶." Kinda creepy... But also kinda hot ngl. Also in his description was his discord. He went by the name Shrek, his wife, Fiona, divorced him  and took the kids a few months back, he was still recovering.

After a few months of Garfield and Shrek talking, they finally met in person. They went on a romantic date in Ponyville (from My Little Pony.) After they're date, they crashed at Shreks place, it was rad.

*the next day*

Garfield couldn't help but write a poem about his true love for Shrek, so therefore he sent a poem to Shrek the next day, and since it would take a few days to ship, then he also added a box of chocolates. He wanted to be a little unique, so he wrote it in third person.

The poem read, "Garfield's love for Shrek is quite unique,
It's a love that's strong and true, and never weak.
He admires Shrek's courage, and his giant size,
And finds him charming, with his big green eyes.

Garfield loves the way Shrek always stands tall,
And how he never lets anything make him fall.
He's in awe of his strength, and his bravery,
And how he always stays true to his family.

Garfield's heart beats faster at the sight of his love,
And he dreams of cuddling with him, like a dove.
He imagines them snuggling up, side by side,
And he knows that with Shrek, he'll always have a ride.

Garfield's love for Shrek is pure and true,
And he'll do anything to show it, that's his cue.
He'll write him love letters, and sing him songs,
And he'll never stop loving him, no matter how long.

So let us all celebrate Garfield's love for Shrek,
For it's a love that's strong, and never a wreck.
It's a bond that nothing can ever break,
And it's a love that's only meant to make"
Garfield is a true poet at heart, but Shrek found it cringey af so he broke up with him. And therefore Garfield burnt Shrek's house down

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