After the Breakup

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Garfield was sitting on his couch, crying, eating lasagna, and cuddling with Odie. Garfield was spilling all those boy problems with Odie, but you just couldn't take it anymore, he was sick of it Odie up and left, he told John about everything, and John told Liz, but Liz was done with John for dumping all of that trauma on him. Nermal soon heard about it, and he was furious because of Garfield using his profile. Garfield pretty much push everyone around him away from him. He didn't want it to be this way. It was his worst nightmare but you know what, Garfield did have the cats in the alley way. They knew all of his trauma and they felt very bad for him, so they decided to take him out to dinner for pizza. Garfield still couldn't get over this. So he then decided to go on tinder, he made no matches and was furious.Garfield, the lasagna-loving orange cat, was lying lazily on the couch, watching TV when suddenly, a commercial caught his attention. It was Mr. Clean, the bald muscular man, advertising his cleaning products. Garfield couldn't help but be intrigued by Mr. Clean's shiny bald head and muscular physique. As the commercial ended, Garfield found himself daydreaming about Mr. Clean and his cleaning prowess.

The next day, Garfield decided to take matters into his own paws and visit Mr. Clean's headquarters. As he arrived, Mr. Clean greeted him with his signature smile and friendly demeanor.

"Hello there, Garfield! What brings you to my humble abode?" Mr. Clean asked.

"Your cleaning products, of course!" Garfield replied, trying to hide his infatuation.

As Mr. Clean showed Garfield around his facility, the two quickly hit it off and began to bond over their shared love of cleanliness. They swapped cleaning tips and tricks, and Garfield even helped Mr. Clean test out some of his new products. As the day went on, Garfield found himself drawn to Mr. Clean's strong arms and captivating gaze. He couldn't believe that he, a lazy cat, was falling for a cleaning product spokesperson.

As they said their goodbyes, Garfield couldn't resist the urge to ask Mr. Clean out on a date.

"Mr. Clean, I know this might sound crazy, but would you like to go out with me?" Garfield asked, nervously.

To his surprise, Mr. Clean accepted and the two went on a romantic date to a fancy Italian restauraunt.

Everything was going garfields way, it was like his dream, Odie was finally friends with him again, the problems between Liz and John were just perfect and Nermal died.

The end. (Unless y'all want a part 2)

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