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Raia laid the flowers on Gabriel's grave lingering a moment before pulling out a cloth to wipe the tombstone. "Every day is the same, isn't it, Gabriel? Dust falls regardless if you were a traitor or a hero, it doesn't discriminate between the villains and the saints. Equally, it removes all trace that we ever were in this world." She turned to leave but glanced over her shoulder. "I wish I could one day rest by your side."

Each day she would stare at the mirror, examining her own face with scrutiny in desperation to find creases and wrinkles, any evidence that the time wasn't leaving her behind, but each day the answer was the same.

She tended to her garden behind the house on the hill. Those hours were a welcome relief in the emptiness of days.

"Raia." Amicia with three children running around her would join her every morning for tea. That day she came with the news. "I'm pregnant again."

"Number four, congratulations." Raia wiped her hands from the dirt and went inside the house to grab some sweets for the children and tea for them. "What are you naming this one?"

"Well, you can guess my theme." she took her mug between her fingers. "Luka... Watch over Gabe and Ailen, please! Don't let them run towards the forest!"

"'Kay, mom!"

"Sometimes I am glad they don't know anything about what our past was like."

"Are you going to tell them one day?"

"I might let you do it, you were there for most of it. The name for this one, if it's a girl will be Raia."

She had to laugh. "If it's another boy?"


"We aren't really good role models for your children, but I will give my all to be fun, Aunt Raia."

"You don't have it in you to be fun."Ami shook her head. "Have you ever found out what happened after you sent Ailen and those two packing in Riserfeld?"

"No. I don't even ask around about it anymore. I brought Gabriel home and that is the most important part. We were happiest here, I think. More importantly, we were loved."

"How long will you wait before heading out?"

"At least another eight years. I don't want to leave when there is nothing at stake for me anywhere. I am immortal. After everyone in this village is gone I will still be alive with my memories. I can't think of worse punishment for someone with memories like mine. Just as I finally managed to get him back..." She stared down at her fingers. "He was gone... But the hope was there, for a moment I could see the same old him, the good Gabriel."

"What about Luka?"

Raia had to smile remembering his eyes. "I was fooling myself when I thought I could choose anyone else over Gabriel. All my life I always left people behind because of him, and I think I'd do it again in a heartbeat if he were to rise from the grave. That is just how I am, how we both were."

"But he loved you, right?"

"Perhaps? Once, eight years ago."

"Did you love him?"

"I think I did, once eight years ago."

"What about now?" this time it wasn't Ami who spoke, this voice sent shivers down her spine and made her eyes tear up.

"I will leave you two." Ami tapped his shoulder and went away calling her children.

Raia stood up and stepped away from him. "Luka."

"I've been waiting for you to come back, but after a while, it dawned on me that it will never happen." He sat down on the chair and leaned back staring at the sky. "How have you been?"


"Ailen told me when he returned to the castle all that time ago that he might have made a mistake, that maybe he misjudged what happened, and that he thinks he probably killed his best friend who was saved. If you want to know, he never got over it. Ailen is still a miserable rag being dragged around the castle. I think you are the only one who can save him - if you forgive him?"

"Why should I? Why should he want me to forgive him?" Raia reached for her sword and placed it over her lap.

"He is really sorry?" Luka offered an answer but immediately after the words left his lips he shook his head and looked up at the sky. "I abdicated."

There wasn't a single emotion in his voice when he broke the news, only some steel-like determination she could almost see in his eyes and it made her shift in her seat. "Why?"

"Siera is a better person for the kingdom, she cares more than I do. She is a good person."

"You are as well."

"No, you see I abandoned my position because I wanted to see the other side, feel the wind on my face, and grip this sword of mine firmly until my hands start to bleed. For that I will need a mentor..." He glanced at Raia under his eyes and dared to smile when he noticed her staring right back.

The laughter of children filled the air and mixed with the honey aroma of the flowers growing in her garden. "Luka, Gabriel, Ailen."


"Names of Ami's children. You will need to learn a lot if you really wish to stay." Raia got up to her feet and stretched before moving towards the path leading into the village. Realizing Luka wasn't following she looked back towards him and as if woken from a dream former king jumped up with a smile that reminded her of the first day they met.

Perhaps she'd be fine after all? 

Sins in their Souls [Completed-Under Revision]Where stories live. Discover now