on the run

700 21 9

I sat and stared at (y/n) and couldn't help but snicker to myself this chick had enough guts to attack me yet from where she sits slumped over tied in that chair in the middle of the tent with her (h/c) hair draped over her shoulders toward the floor she looked almost fragile. She stirred slightly and I smirked going to my planned place right in front of her.

(y/ns) pov

My (e/c) eyes slowly fluttered open and I tugged at my wrists and grimaced at the rough rubbing feeling of rope against them. The second I realized that it was rope I jolted my head up my eyes wide as I fought for the freedom of my wrists I soon noticed that demented clown in front of me and spastically jerked at my restraints trying to get free as I thrashed about he began to walk closer stopping me by grabbing my face.

"You act like you're tough but you're fragile aren't you~"

I gritted my teeth looking into his eyes

"What'd you do to my sister you sick fuck!?"

He tsk'd at me

"My, my mouthy little one"

I waited till he got closer to my face before head butting him he stumbled back a few feet

"Gah! Why you little..."

He back lashed slapping me hard my chair teetered and fell to the side. I hit my head on the floor, shit my visions going blurry.. He crouched down to my level to speak

"Now you be a good girl while I'm gone~ I'm gonna go take care of that little pest (s/n)~"

with that I saw him leave through the flap of the tent. I ringed my hands trying to get free the ropes are starting to cut into my wrists damn.. Soon there was blood soaking the ropes and streaming down my hands and I hurriedly slid my wrists free and stumbled up and towards the tent opening as fast as I could.

"Gotta save (s/n)...."

I began to make myself do a rather drunken run and I soon found myself stumbling past the clown my vision clearing up off and on as I ran determined to get to (s/n) before him

"what the!?"

I heard his footsteps behind me and I picked up the pace running to my house I hadn't noticed the gash on my head from hitting it on the floor until it had begun bleeding down my face I ignored the luke warm stream of crimson running down my face as I used the spare key to open my house since I was in no condition to climb the window I rushed into my sisters room she shrieked I must have been a bloody mess

"(y-y/n) what happened to you?!"

I ran over picking her up jogging downstairs towards the front door

"no time to explain!"

I growled seeing jack at the entry way to the front door. I slowed down and turned heading for the back door and hurriedly yanked the door open running for the backyard gate kicking it open and I ignored the obvious crack that resounded from my ankle as the door came open and I ran for the nearest police station with (s/n) I glanced over my shoulder. "Shit! No time to go to the police station" I thought to myself  as I saw jack catching up and I ran to our neighbors house running shoulder first into the door as the neighbors wife shrieked as I broke open the door by now my vision was going dark from blood loss

"t-take (s/n)!"

She gestured to an under stairway hiding place I quickly shoved (s/n) into it grabbing a body pillow and holding it like I had her to fool jack I closed the door and ran out with it looked around falsely panicked to throw him off. And sure enough there he was smirking at me down the street I yipped and ran towards the town letting  myself succumb to the darkness when I hit the edge of town far away from (s/n) long enough for the neighbors to take her elsewhere. As my vision blacked out I smiled seeing jack snarl in anger.

Bitter sweet (LJ x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora