Chapter 26

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It's been another day since Daphne and Jimin had that heartwarming moment together. Something that has left a fuzzy feeling in her stomach that she can't get over. Not that she wants to.

Taylor and Daphne head down to the street market, since Taylor wanted to get fresh fruit before it ended.
Taylor lifts one of the peaches and raises it to her nose, taking in its sweet scent, "Mmm, how I love these." She closes her eyes, picturing herself eating it, tasting the juicy flavor.

As Taylor continues to check the other plums, placing it in her hand basket before scanning the others, making sure they are good, Daphne leans against one of the wooden poles, completely zoned out. The moment from last night lingers in her mind like poison. Something hard to get rid of unless you have the perfect antidote.

"Okay, spill. You've been out of it since you got back this morning." Taylor walks around Daphne, examining the oranges.

Daphne blinks away her thoughts, her cheeks flushed as she turns. She digs her hands into her tight jean pockets nervously, smiling. Taylor sees the glow of Daphnes face, immediately knowing. "Don't tell me. Daphne Belladove makes love with Mr. Seattle. Was I close?" She grins, tossing an orange at her. Daphne quickly catches it, the smell of the orange catching her off guard.

The sweetness of the fruit rises, entering through her nostrils. Jimin smells like this. She thinks and blushes again. "Makes?" She says, hinting that she's done it more than just once.

Taylor's mouth drops, "Unbelievable." She shakes her head, grinning with approval, "So, you're official then." She says, doing a tiny dance before poking Daphne in the arm.

Daphne chuckles and looks down at the orange before putting it into the basket, "Possibly." She sighs, thinking about lunch with his parents and Emery. The nerve his father had for inviting her made Daphne feel some kind of mad. "The whole lunch thing still sticks, but it's good to know his mother isn't a narcissist like his father."

Taylor frowns a bit, handing cash to the seller, "At least you have her on your side." They both begin walking along side one another, heading across to the other stands, a huge sign saying "$5 for fresh strawberries."

Daphne shrugs, "Yeah. If only his father wasn't some control freak who's obsessed with perfectionist, Jimin wouldn't have done this whole...fake marriage." She glances up, squinting from the sun and seeing people stare at her. Daphne is no longer invisible, and she doesn't know how to handle it.

She takes in a deep breath as they stop in from of the strawberry stand. She lowers her head, hiding from the eyes of the people. Taylor looks at Daphne, understanding her worries, not realizing of the people staring at them. Taylor then gets distracted by a sign saying "A bag of grapes for 00.98"

"A bargain! Be right back. Stay here." Taylor quickly scurries off before Daphne has a say. She sighs, accepting that it's too late to stop her friend. She turns towards the stand and smiles at the seller before checking out the bright red strawberries.

"A bit late buying strawberries, don't you think?" A males voice says, turning Daphnes attention away from the fruit. She looks over to see a tallish man with dark hair. His characteristics looks familiar to her in a way.

"They sale them at a good price around this time." Daphne says, scanning his clean suit and expensive hair cut. "But I get the feeling you don't normally come to street markets."

The young man chuckles, "Your right. Todays a first for me." He grins a sharp smile before removing a hand from his suit pants, "Lee Jooheon."

Daphne looks at his hand before taking it. "Daphne." She answers, not wanting to say her last name. Her name has been everywhere and if someone this expensive looking learns her name, they'll realize who she is.

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