Found More Than One

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"Hmph, I can't believe I had to leave Beacon Academy to clean up Qrow's mess again, such a waste of my time."

Walking through the streets of the City of Vale, a young adult woman with blonde hair, green eyes, and always wearing a stern expression, regardless of where she was or what she did, was known as Glynda Goodwitch. Right now, she was in the middle of returning back home, all the while muttering to herself about what she had to do when she was away from home.

"I need to show him discipline whenever we meet again, maybe if I do that, he could be a much more respectable and wise Hunter."

Glynda couldn't help but sigh in silence, stopping in her tracks and shaking her head in slight defeat, as if what she was thinking was either completely hopeless or extremely useless to do anything about it

"What am I saying, that drunk will never grow up… Hmph…"

Glynda pinched the bridge of her nose before fixing her posture and was about to continue on moving, though before she could, she quickly got startled by a rainbow-like bright light that quickly turned on and off inside a dumpster, with that instantly catching her attention. She did not hesitate to investigate to see what she just saw; walking up to the dumpster, opening the lid, and taking a peek inside. What she found made her go wide-eyed in horror.

"Oh my… Who would do such a thing to you…"

'... My birth was definitely a new experience, not gonna lie.'

Inside the dumpster, there lay a very dirty, nearly naked, and very hungry baby boy with black hair, dark silver eyes, and folded-down cat ears. From what Glynda's perspective, it appeared to be a simple, weak, and crying baby, one who had clearly been through a lot... though inside, things were much more complex than they seemed.

'Not only from the fact that reincarnation is actually a real thing, but also being completely abandoned by my new family as soon as they saw my cat ears when I was born, literally turning me into a dumpster baby.'

While the baby cat continued to cry on the outside, inside, specifically in his head, which appeared to be quite well-developed, he couldn't help but feel genuinely curious about the situation that he had found himself in.

'The only person who tried to stop my parents was my supposed sister, who did everything to save me, almost makes me feel guilty to be honest, but whatever, what's done is done, nothing I could do about it.'

The baby then stopped crying once he was wrapped up in a Goodwitch cape, and was held closely by her, being very gentle and careful with him.

"Don't worry, you're safe now, no need to cry anymore."

While Glynda tried to calm the cat boy down, using a free hand to take out her phone-like device, known as a Scroll, and making a few calls.

'I'm actually glad this woman saw my Aura flash and found me, usually being abandoned would've been great for my nameless Mob persona, no family to bother me and I can use all of my free time to train and improve myself and my new ability.'

The baby's stomach let out a very loud growl, clearly indicating it was beyond starved, which definitely worried Goodwitch.

"There should be a nearby hospital with Faunus supplements!"

Glynda ran off as she tried her best to look for help and salvation for the suffering cat boy.

'Sadly though, as a newborn baby that can't even walk or eat solid foods, and only managed to survive a whole month with my Aura and my past life training alone, this is unfortunately the best option at the moment, though once I'm at least 5, or maybe 3 years old, maybe I can be abandoned again and this time survive on my own without asking for help.'

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