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I felt disgusting, gross, dirty, fat. Three bites of eggs was all it took, too. I wish he didn't do this to me.

But I couldn't say no. I couldn't tell him that I wouldn't do it. I don't know why. I just felt that I should, because he asked me to. He didn't pressure me like my mom does, he just asked. And.. I don't know, it felt nice to be treated like a normal person, not a sick person.

Will told me that he would talk to me later. He had to go get in the car or something like that and he would be driving for a while.

He never told me what he did for a living, but being this young, it must be something good because he travels a hell of a lot.

I sigh and lay down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling with my phone in my hand. I roll over, so I'm leaning on my elbows and open my Instagram app. Wills manager did an interview.

"Yeah, he had had an obsession with his phone recently. He is always texting."

"Sounds like me and W." I mumble.

"He could be talking to his mother for all I know, but I doubt it. But anyways, I'm here to announce something. Will will be in Seattle Washington, very soon. It will be a premier to his newest movie. To be invited, you have to send us a video, telling us why you think you deserve to go and see Will, and his new movie with him."

"Oh. My. God."

I don't even care if he is driving, he better fucking answer his phone.

I tap on Wills contact and wait for the ringing to stop and his voice take over.


"Will Rivers is doing a contest! I have to win it, Will. I have to. Oh my god! The premiere, contest, thingy is in Seattle and I'm only two hours away from Seattle. I could do this, I can win-"

"Whoa whoa whoa." He stops me. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I am going to win this damn contest and meet William Rivers in Seattle."

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