☀️❤️‍🩹Crazy Bus Ride 💙💛

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Hi this is very little angst, death is slightly mentioned. But now let's get on with the story!

Logan was sitting in the bus sighing softly as he looked out the window, he had a long ride ahead of him, a whole 10-hour ride to get home for Christmas, he didn't care about such nonsense but the rest of his family was obsessed with the Holidays so he had no other option than to go home for Christmas. He sighed again and pulled out his book to start reading and do all his college work on his ride home, he looked up when someone sat next to him. Looking up at the man his breath Hitching as a blush grew on his face, it was Janus, he was pretty well known threw the University, and of course, Logan was obsessed with the man, he practically stalked his Instagram. He decided to do his best to ignore the gorgeous straight man next to him, 'You have no Chance Logan so stop looking at him you idiot!' he yelled at himself in his mind.

"Hey," Janus said softly looking at Logan, "Where you headed to?" He asked softly, Logan froze looking up at Janus, "Oh I'm going to Maryland to see family," he said looking back at his book but before he could he saw a smile appear on Janus' face, "Finally someone else going to Maryland," he said softly, "Seems like we'll be sitting together for the 10+ hours," he said seeming happy about getting to sit next to Logan. Logan on the other hand was a Gay Panicking mess, "y-yeah I guess so," he said softly, quickly looking back at his book. "Logan's your name right?" Janus asked only getting a nod in response for the blushing male next to him, "It is an overnight bus ride maybe we can get off and get a motel room together," Janus proposed the idea trying to contain his smile as he watched Logans face turn into more of a tomato. "oh I'm sure I don't see why not," Logan said in response his heart pounding like crazy

It's been five hours since the bus ride had begun and Janus had fallen asleep, his head resting on Logan's shoulder. Logan sighed knowing he should wake up the sleeping male, "Janus wake up," he said, shaking the male slightly. Janus whined as he woke up looking at Logan, his cheeks tinted pink, "You want to get a motel now?" He asked, yawning softly. Logan paused and nodded, "Yeah, that'll be nice," he said softly, smiling at Janus, "We can get off at the next stop," he said softly, "That should be in a few minutes," he said softly, watching as the sleepy males' eyes lit up as he looked outside, "Look at The lights Lo," he said happily as he hugged Logan, who was looking outside as well, "wow!" He whispered as he looked out the window.

After a few minutes of the two looking at the pretty lights the bus stopped, "Come on Let's go, Lo," Janus said softly, he had Google Maps open and was following it to the nearest cheapest motel. he held Logans with one hand, smiling, "Let's go," he said as he started the quick walk to the motel smiling softly at the lady behind the desk, "Room please," he said softly, pulling Logan closer to him. She put on a fake smile and handed Janus a key to a room, "that'll be $75 a night," she said sighing softly, Janus smiled as he paid for the room, Logan smiled enjoying the closeness of the male next to him, "Thank you," Logan said softly holding Janus close to him. Janus nodded softly, a blush spreading across his face, "So um… you okay sharing a bed?" He asked softly. Logan tensed slightly, sharing a bed with one of the hottest guys he's ever seen of course he'd be okay with it, and he nodded, "Yeah," he said happily. As the door opened revealing their decent room with a bed TV and microwave, a mini fridge, and another door leading to the bathrooms.

Janus smiled as he laid down next to the sleeping Logan, he had just gotten done with a quick shower, he got under the covers and pulled Logan close to him, "I liked you for a long time now Logan Katz,” Janus whispered to the sleeping male holding him close, “Now sleep well,” Janus said kissing his forehead.

Logan woke up yawning looking at the time, “6 AM,” he mumbled trying to get up before feeling arms wrapped around him and keeping him from getting up, he sighed, “I should let him sleep but I should get a shower before we have to leave,” he mumbled to himself looking at Janus, “I guess a few more minutes of cuddling won’t hurt,” he mumbled laying down nuzzling into Janus whos arms tightened slightly around Logan.

It was now 7 AM and Janus was still sleeping holding Logan close, Logan sighed, “I have to get up,” Logan mumbled as he struggled out of Janus’ arms before realizing Janus’ eyes were open and looking at Logan, “W-what time is it?” he asked softly as he sat up. Logan sighed, “It’s 7 you can go back to sleep if you want,” he said softly, looking at Janus he could tell he wasn’t an early riser, “No we have to be at the bus stop soon,” he said getting up with a whine, “Go shower, I’ll get changed out here,” he said softly as he dug in his bag to find new clothes. Logan nodded and hurried to the bathroom sighing softly, as he got undressed and quickly showered, before hopping out and changing his clothes, he smiled and walked out of the bathroom smiling when he saw Janus sleeping still, he giggled softly, he seemed so peaceful when he was sleeping, he smiled laying next to him, blushing softly “I like you a lot Janus, and I’ve always had,” he said kissing the sleeping males forehead, “Sorry you must think I’m weird for liking boys,” he said softly holding Janus close, “But I can’t help it,” he mumbled nuzzling into Janus’ chest, blushing as he felt Janus’ arms wrap around his waist, he looked up at the sleeping male, “Janus I think you should wake up,” he said shaking Janus slightly who wined looking up at Logan, “meanie,” he pouted, as he sat up, “Let’s go and get something to eat before we need to get on the bus,” Janus said standing up.

It’s been an hour since they got on the bus, they were just talking about nothing in particular, “So why are you going to Maryland?” Logan asked softly, “to go see family in a way,” Janus said softly looking down, Logan nodded, “What do you mean by that?” he asked cocking his head as he looked at Janus. “Well… They're not living, I'm just visiting their grave,” he mumbled looking down, “I’ll probably just stay in a hotel or something,” Janus mumbled, he didn’t want to look at  Logan so he looked at his hands, Logan places a hand on Janus’ making him look up at Logan, “You can stay with my family and me,” Logan said softly, “I’m sure they won’t mind, I know I wouldn’t,” Logan said blushing softly as he looked down, “That sounds much better then being all alone,” he said softly, holding Logan's hand, “Thank you,” he said softly and nuzzled close to him.

Logan had informed his family that he’ll have a friend joining him for Christmas, but he didn’t expect them to assume they were dating, it took a whole hour to convince them that they weren't dating. Janus, of course, wasn’t helping with the convincing as he practically refused to let go of Logan since they got there, Logan sighed, everyone said they understood that they weren’t dating, Logan was a blushing mess as he brought Janus to his room, “You can either have the spare bedroom or share my bed,” he said softly, “I’ll share” he said softly hugging onto Logan who sighed, “Why are you being so clingy?” he asked, wrapping his arms around Janus’ Neck, “I didn’t know your family was so rich,” Janus said changing the subject. Logan nodded, “Yeah Christmas time we throw a big party, with Dancing and stuff, But I never really cared about participating in such activities,” Logan said pushing his glasses up. Janus smiled nuzzling into Logan.

It’s been 3 days of Logan waking up to Janus clinging to him, then whining when Logan left, he was practically clinging to Logan the whole time, which didn’t help in his family believing they weren’t dating, and Logan was getting annoyed, sure he Liked Janus but he knew Janus would never like him back, so he decided to confront Janus about it.

He confronted Janus about the issue, though he accidentally just confessed to Janus that he liked him. He felt like an idiot as he covered his face in embracement, tears threatening to fall, he wasn’t good at excepting rejection. “Lo It’s okay,” Janus said grabbing Logan's wrist, “Come on Lo look at me,” he said softly, Logan slowly looked up at Janus tears starting to fall from his eyes, Janus cupped Logan's cheek softly wiping the tears off his cheek, “Lo… I like you too,” he said softly, “That’s why I cling to you, I don’t want you to leave,” he said pulling Logan close, “I’ve had for a while now,” he said softly, pulling Logan into a hug, as he kissed his cheek, “Thank You,” he said softly, holding Logan close.

It’s been a month since Logan and Janus started dating, and they now lived in the same apartment, Each Saturday, they’d complete all their work before going out to dinner, and then come home and watch a movie together while cuddling on the couch, just enjoying each other presents.

It’s now been 2 years, and they were both out of college now, and now they were getting married. They smiled at each other as they both said “I do” and exchanged a kiss. They danced and had fun before they knew it the time was over and they were on the road driving to their hotel. Nothing but smiles on their faces. “I love you, Janus,” Logan said softly looking at his now husband, Janus smiled, “I love you too, Logan,” he said softly looking happily at Logan.

There my first story, Hope you enjoyed :D

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