❤️‍🩹☀️❤️‍🔥Fake Boyfriend? 💙💛

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Not much Angst or Sexual stuff
Some Homophobia


"Shit," Logan whispered to himself, summer break started tomorrow and he had yet to find someone to be his boyfriend for the summer. He told his parents he had found a lover and that's why he couldn't marry the girl they picked out for him. That's when he remembered Janus, he had caught the popular guy kissing another male, he was sworn to keep it a secret and in return, Janus would do anything for Logan, it was perfect, he and Janus might totally hate each other but Janus owed him for keeping it a secret. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Janus.

After classes, the two met up in the library. It wasn't uncommon to see Logan in the library and Janus was there all the time as well but only Logan and the Librarian knew how much of a bookworm he was, he could finish books in one sitting if you'd let him. But they didn't come here to read, "Janus put the book down please," Logan said crossing his arms, "I didn't ask you here so we can read," he said sighing as Janus held a finger up, "Shush I'm finishing this," he said, ignoring what Logan said after that, only looking up once the chapter was finished, "Okay why did you want me here Logan?" He asked softly, putting his book down. Logan sighed, "For the favor, you said I could have for keeping your secret a secret," he said crossing his arms and waiting for Janus to say something after. All Janus did was nod, "yes I do recall saying I'd give you a favor," Janus said crossing his legs as he watched the male In Front of him. "Well… I sort of told my parents I was in a serious relationship with a guy… could you-" Logan was cut off by Janus, "You want me to be your boyfriend for the summer?" He asked, crossing his arms, "sure why the hell not," Janus said getting up. Logan was frozen as he processed what Janus was saying, "You mean you'll do it?" He asked standing up, Janus giggled, nodding softly, "Yeah," he said, "We'll leave tomorrow morning then?" He asked softly looking back at Logan. Logan smiled in relief, "Yeah," he said softly, smiling happily, "Thanks Jan," he said softly.

The next day Janus and Logan met up at a Cafe, "our private plane will be picking us up soon," Logan said softly, "Wait what? Private plane?!" Janus said standing up as he looked at Logan, Logan nodded, "yeah," Logan said looking down, "My parents are rich that's why they want me to do an arranged marriage," he said sadly. "Damn I knew you were rich but I didn't think you were this rich," Janus said sitting down with Logan.

After a 2-hour plane ride, Janus and Logan arrived at Logan's house. Janus blushed as he looked at the huge house, "Oh my god," Janus mumbled, he already felt underdressed, Logan was dressed in a suit while Janus was only wearing a sweater and jeans, Janus was cold all the time so he always wore sweaters even when it was summer. Janus blushed holding Logan's hand as they step out of the plane, “Wow,” Janus whispered looking around as they walked into the front gate that lead threw a small part of the gardens before it got to the house, he looked around, before feeling a tug as Logan pulled him forward, “Come on,” Logan mumbled, Janus sighed as he followed Logan to the front doors, where they where greeted by Logans family. Logan stopped but Janus ran right into Logan's back because he was distracted by looking around at everything. Janus scowled as he heard snickers coming from what he assumed was Logan's family, Janus blushed and hugged Logan from behind burying his face into his back, he didn’t want to meet his family.

After the introductions, and a few hours pass of Janus and Logan reading quietly in Logan's room, they were lying on Logan's bed and without realizing were cuddling as they read, Janus looked up as the door opened, “Dinner’s ready,” said one of the maids. Janus sighed putting his book down, "Not excited for this," he mumbled getting up and looking at Logan, "They already hate me, can I leave now?" He asked annoyed that he got into this stupid issue. Logan pouted, "No you have to convince them that you'll stick with me threw their pain," Logan said softly getting up and looking at Janus who sighed, "Fine," he said crossing his arms before making his way down the stairs, sighing as he made his way to the dinner table with Logan walking next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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