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"Charlie!! Don't fool around, u had me chocking the air!!." I said with irritating voice.

"Tri, u think I m joking around? Are u living under a rock or smth? The banners are all over the eastern part!! Its just that we are in northern side...maybe that's why....".

"What in the kdrama world is going on???".

The heartless duke ANTHER is searching me? I have heard a lot of creepy things about him, that he killed his brother to get on the throne...and has never seen outside his palace. Even tho I don't know how he ended up on that hotel room.....CHARLESSS!! IS HE SERCHING ME TO KILL ME???!

"Calm down tri!! I got ur back, but now u have to go back to the palace or Mr.chandler won't spare you.". Charlie said patting my back.

Yeh ik!! Then I m off!! Pray for me Charles, i said with a deep sigh.

"Hope so". "See you tomorrow then!! If u will survive. " He said mockingly.

"Yeh yeh whatever".

After that convo with Charlie:-

I don't know how will papa react when I will reach home. Even tho he is my real father, he doesn't treat me like his daughter! He only got his eyes for Eve.

Ik my step mother has said smth that will make his anger out on me.

After sometime I reached home to get another surprise waiting for me-

"I m sorry pap- father...I should had informed you about Charlie, I m sorry it's my fault it won't happen again....". My head glued to floor not daring to look up, my hands were trembling terribly..waiting for father to slap against my cheeks or burn my hands with hot pan..
This is all the things my father do with me whenever I try to argue with him or say anything to step mother or sister.....its all my life had been since my mother died.. that day was the blackest day of My life...sometimes I think that I should have died with her too....after all it's all my fault......

But to my utter surprise....Nothing happened...

Slowly I looked on to the hall and
No one was there.....

My father, Step mother, step sister- no one-

Phew- "Ig it's my lucky day-". I said to myself sighting in relief.


Someone said that line with the deepest voice I have ever heard. It's not my father, nor anyone I recognize.

Why do I feel like I have heard this voice before?

Then i turned around to see....

                                                     ~To be continued


Please don't kill me yall*hides* !! Ik this story is very short but please bear it!! I will def update it with longer story next time!!!

Promise ^^

Btw....did u all guessed who said that "deeeeepppppp line with deeeepppp voice?? Lol

Maybe not- cuz twist is on the way!! Hehe.

Till then stay tuned (please vote for next episode ^^)

Btw support my bff's story tooo!! She writes amazing!! Imma tag her jenslyrve *u update it fast!!!!!♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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