Stalking the Star

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Sighing, Hongjoong heard his phone ping with a message from Wooyoung. He guessed it was either a stupid Tiktok, reel, meme, or the person's account he was talking about. Deciding he had nothing better to do, he decided to open it.

With the message "hehehe" from Wooyoung, Hongjoong clicked on the profile with irritation. However, those feelings slowly turned into amusement and interest as he scrolled through the profile. 



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"Model?" Hongjoong spoke to himself, now even more intrigued by the profile. "Hwa? It must be a nickname."

Hongjoong was many things, one of them was a photographer and fashion analyst, beside being a producer in his spare time. It was only because his families wealth allowed him to have the freedom to focus on it.



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Hongjoong gasped, sitting up straight from his bed and looking at the beautiful post. How was Hongjoong supposed to talk to him? Was Wooyoung crazy? There was no way Hongjoong could talk this man.

'Hwa' was beautiful, like a calm cool spring day as the wind softly blew through the flower fields. He was pretty like the golden hour sky as the sun began to set, allowing the moon to shine through.

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