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After laughing and walking out of the building, Hongjoong gathered every courage cell in his body to...not ask Seonghwa if he wanted to get coffee.

He was scared.

His palms were sweaty, his breath was sharp and hoarse, and his mind forced his mouth shut.

Seonghwa noticed how Hongjoong avoided his gaze, looking at everything but him as they talked about the session.

It was his turn to be the brave one.

"Hey," Seonghwa stopped, lightly brushing his hand against Hongjoong's.

Both their faces became tinted with pink as Seonghwa grabbed his hand and apologized.

"It's okay," Hongjoong smiled. "But, you were saying?"

"Right," Seonghwa laughed nervously. "Um, I think the session went well, did you?"

"Yeah, I thought so, too," Hongjoong pulled his lips into a curved flat smile.

"Then," Seonghwa jabbed his thumb toward the road. "Should we get some coffee? I know a perfect place!"


I mean, unless you know one, too! Then we can go-"


"-There! But only if you want to go there! If not, we can go to my usual place! But only-"


"Hmm?" The older one smiled, snapping out of his rant.

"We can go to your place," Hongjoong chuckled. "Thank you for asking."

"Great! Yeah, um, it's this way," Seonghwa pointed down the street. "It is not too far from my place."

"Alright, please lead the way," Hongjoong stepped aside, allowing Seonghwa to guide them.

Along the way, Hongjoong asked about Seonghwa's hobbies. That led to a rabbit hole of Star Wars facts and plots. He found it amusing how Seonghwa's face lit up like a light when talking about it.

That and he felt their hands lightly brushing against each other, their knuckles touching each other ever so slightly.

Hongjoong felt his mind tell him to stop, to run away before getting hurt again.

He knew his brain was right, but for once, he wanted to be right.

It wasn't like they would get married; they were already a fake married couple.

It was just to get out of the house, cure his boredom, and allow him to feel human again.

That's all.

He didn't have to worry about growing attached; deep down, he knew he would cut off the line before reeling in a fake fish.

"Okay, let's have some fun," Hongjoong thought to himself.

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