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Jakes pov

I haven't seen Devon in 2 days because he's in a vacation with his family and everytime I try texting him he doesn't answer..but this time he did

D:hey babe how are you
J: I'm doing okay is just I miss u
D: I missed you too but I'm coming back tomorrow since we can't stay here forever
J: how is the vacation
D: it's okay it isn't my favorite
J: oh ok cant wait to see you tmmw
D: Cant wait to see u

We ended the call, but missing him isn't my favorite thing to do when your all alone without anyone. While I was in bed I was thinking about Devon I can't stop and can't get him off my mind. He's way too fine. And adorable. While I was scrolling on insta I saw him hugging another guy and kissing him on the cheek. I got out of it and texted Devon spamming him until he wakes up


Omg yes

Why did you cheat on me

What do you mean?

*sends a photo of the insta photo*



I CANT with you right now good bye


Time passes and the next day

*devon walks in the house*

"Hey Devon" I say ad I stand there

"Hey Jake." He said quiet

"Hey I'm sorry about yesterday I should've ask you who was them" I say as I hold his hand

"Jake it's ok I still love you and always will"

I look at him and start to shed tears

"Hey are you okay jake I'm sorry if I made you cry"

"No I just remember how much I miss you"

I ran to him and hugged him tightly

"Ow Jake that's enough" he says

"My hugs are never enough"

I stopped hugging him and pulled him to the kitchen

"Why are we here" he says looking around

"Well I made some good food for you." I say with a little baby face. As he looks at me I could tell he wants to blush. But before he does he hugs me

"Jake I don't want to eat in the table, can we eat in the bed" he says

"Yeah Ofcs anything for u"

He goes to the bedroom and puts his pjs on

Devon's pov

Since I got home after a long ass trip. I have to spend time with my lover. I missed him but I feel bad cause EVERYTIME I think about him at my trip I feel bad and really refuse to stay there. He comes in the room with my favorite food.

"Aww Jake you shouldn't have" I say grabbing the plate

"No,no this is all for you"

"Aww" i kissed him on the cheek and went to the table

"Babe do you want to do a scary movie night?" He says while cooking something

"Hmm ig" i say while eating

After dinner we were in the bedroom making out.
It was random at first but I could feel the vibe he was in to be honest. I love him but he prefers huge then kisses.

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