chapter 5

30 5 4

Okayyyy thanks for reading my story <3. Please vote and follow me for more💙.
Let's go 💫:

Muichiro POV:

I was being pulled by sheza by my wrist  to the class. The problem is we still didn't reach the class . We are just running in circles !!!!

"Sheza chan were-"

"Sheza is okay !"

"Sheza were are we ??"

"We are in the school !"


"I'm joking ! You are at the same class as mine so I'm gonna take you there " she said . I started running behind her so she let go of my hand. I saw kera and yuichiro entered a class a while ago !! . I'm just following kera while looking everywhere. We passed a class that has a paper on it tree times!!!! Then i realized something!

"Sheza you don't know were is the class right "


"Is that so 🤨"

"<ahhh> muichiro believe me i remember the way to the class "said sheza as she hold my both of my shoulders to face me . I looked at her with this face😑 then i sighed. I catched her wirst and started pulling her slowly.

"Muichiroooooo where are we going ?? "

"I saw yuichiro and kera entered that class so if I'm not wrong our class supposed to be next it , right ?"

"....Ohhhhh that right!! Kera is our second Neighbor !! "

"Okay i think we reached it but which one is it ? The at the left side or right ? "i said as i stopped in fort of yuichiro class . I looked at her . I saw her holding her chin looking right then left .

"You didn't forgot yout class right?"

"<sign> muichiro the truth is I'm not that good at the directions "she said as she looked down.

"BUT!! I could do this !!" She said . I thought that maybe she will use a school map or something that will help .

"<Deep breath > EVERYONE I NEED HELP !! WHERE IS OUR CLASS ROOM- " what ??. I covered her mouth with my hand when i noticed that there are some students looking at us !!. They would think that we are--

"Oiiiiiii !!! sheza herrrrre it's here !" A group of students came out of a class that is the second class to the right side from yuichiro class . I saw sheza waving her hands to them . I looked at her then at them . She looked at me then said

"Muichiro they are my friends and classmates !!! Lets go to them !! The th are soooo friendly ! I'm sure you will like them !" Then she pulled me to there direction. My classmates started gathering around me . Trying to get well known of me .Everyone there was soooo friendly . I get along easily with them . Sheza then told me that she sits at the last chair in the corner. She told me how amazing is sitting there !. I got interested in sitting on it .Then she told me that i could sit next to her if i wants . There were some students gathering at her place so i thought that i would just sit in someone chair. before i could shake my head sheza pulled me to sit next to her . I didn't want to sit in someone seat!!!

"Sheza doesn't this seat belongs to anyone?" I said uncomfortable in sitting in it . She looked at me then said

"What? ,Noooo this seat doesn't belongs to anyone! Everyone seats here SO you could sit hear ! But if you don't want then it's okay yo-" i interpreted her saying

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