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Damien is ahold of the Flamelurker shotgun, he notices that the shotgun is merely at 50% capacity.

Damien: "50%?"

He quickly turns it up to 100% and grins in excitement. He aims it at a group of soldiers. As he pulls the trigger, it releases a flaming bullet that explodes on impact. The recoil of the weapon causes him to drop the shotgun. When the bullet strikes, it causes a massive explosion, killing the soldiers nigh instantly.

Moreno: "Holy fucking shit..."
Yuiko: "...I want one!"
Zethendra: "I want one too..."

Damien picks up the shotgun again and he immediately sets it back to 50%.

Damien: "Jesus christ, the recoil..."
Zethendra: "Can I try it?"
Damien: "Sure"

Damien hands the gun to Zethendra, who sets it to 80%. Moreno tries to stop him.

Moreno: "Hey, we're not playing around here... set it back to 50"
Zethendra: "That's why I only set it to 80%"
Moreno: "You saw what 50% could do, right? Or was I the only one who saw a Berserker get sent flying onto a house?"
Zethendra: "...Okay, maybe you're right"

Zethendra sets it back to 50%. He aims it at more soldiers, killing several of them easily.

Zethendra: "Woo! Moreno, you wanna try?"
Moreno: "Uhhhmmm... sure..."

Moreno takes the gun and sets it to 20%, he thinks about it and decides to go with 10%.

Zethendra: "Why are you setting it so low?"
Moreno: "Just curious"

Moreno gets closer to the soldiers. While the bullets aren't as explosive, he easily took out multiple soldiers within a straight line using one bullet. The recoil is also considerably less powerful, letting him shoot multiple times in quick succession. A soldier finds the other teenagers and then aims his gun.

Enemy Soldier #5: "You! Stay right there!"
Damien: "Woah... calm down there, buddy..."
Enemy Soldier #5: "I'm not your buddy!"
Damien: "I think we are actually... I think we're all good frie-"
Enemy Soldier #5: "Shut up! Or I'll shoot!"
Damien: "Get 'im, Zeth"

Zethendra tackles him onto the wall and knocks the gun out of his hand. The soldier tries to fight back but is overpowered by him. Zethendra punches him multiple times in the face, but the soldier easily withstands it with his armor. Damien grabs the assault rifle and aims the gun towards the soldier.

Damien: "Zeth! Open his mask!"
Zethendra: "I'm trying!"

Zethendra tries to get the mask off of the soldier's face, but struggles to as the latter fights back. Damien quickly draws all of his attention to several soldiers coming their way. He shoots at them in the face, knocking them down for a while. He kills each of them one by one by removing their masks. Ellen notices a handgun near her foot. Zethendra is overpowered due to him trying to remove the mask. He is pinned to the ground, being pummelled by the soldier. He punches back and manages to get rid of the soldier's mask. The soldier grabs Zethendra's neck, trying to choke him to death. After that, the soldier is shot dead in the head from behind. The shot was from Ellen after grabbing the handgun. Damien finishes off the nearby soldier and Moreno comes back after slaughtering alot of the soldiers. Ellen pukes after her first kill. Aurel and Sofi helps her out.

Aurel: "How does it feel?"
Ellen: "Felt like... I just killed someone..."
Aurel: "...Sounds about right"

Damien takes the gun back from Moreno.

Damien: "My turn, you used it long enough"
Moreno: "Whatever you say..."
Yuiko: "You okay, Zet?"
Zethendra: "Yeah... I'm alright... kinda..."

They hear an agonizing roar from the distance, supposedly from the Berserker.

Moreno: "Damien! Let's help 'im out!"
Damien: "Alright!"
Zethendra: "I'm coming too!"

Zethendra takes an assault rifle while Moreno takes a handgun. They quickly ran towards the noise, witnessing the Berserker getting absolutely bullied by Flamelurkers.

Moreno: "Holy shit, there's more..."
Damien: "Let's take all of them!"

Damien starts blasting towards the soldiers at 35% capacity. Moreno knocks down a few soldiers with a headshot. Zethendra shoots at full-automatic, stunning multiple enemies all at once. Damien continues to kill each of them instantly, killing soldiers at least two or three at a time.

In another perspective, Alicia hears a few soldiers headed their way. They each grab handguns from dead soldiers and prepare to attack with the element of surprise. Marchia manages to shoot one of them in the head at nearly point blank range. Yuiko barely shoots the gun out of the second soldier's hand and Alicia shoots the third one in the stomach, but she drops the gun due to the recoil. The third soldier attempts to shoot at them, but Marchia shoots his head and knocks him down before he could pull the trigger. The second soldier knocks Marchia down with a light punch, and Jessica shoots him at point blank range, but drops her gun via recoil. Sofi unmasks the first soldier and Yuiko shoots him dead. Due to her panic, Yuiko does not feel any remorse for killing... well at least not now... The third soldier manages to get up, but Marchia and Aurel starts to shoot at him continuously. Alicia rushes to unmask the second soldier and kills him. Aurel unmasks the third and Marchia shoots him. After the fight, they merely pause in silence for a little bit... until the pleasure of the first kill starts to kick in. Yuiko acts in shock, Alicia in pure disgust while Marchia in guilt. Alicia pukes just like Ellen did. A figure walks through the back alley, Marchia immediately shoots, but misses, fortunately as it was merely Moreno passing by after taking down the rest of the soldiers.

Marchia: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
Moreno: "That was uhhh... good instincts..."
Marchia: "I almost killed you..."
Moreno: "It's okay, I'm not de-"

Moreno notices the dead soldiers and is very confused, whether they had done this or not.

Moreno: "You guys did this?"
Yuiko: "Yeah..."
Moreno: "...Who else got their first kill?"

Yuiko, Marchia and Alicia raises their hands. Damien and Zethendra shows up right from behind Moreno, covered in blood.

Yuiko: "Holy shit, are you guys okay?"
Damien: "Yeah, we're fine, this ain't our blood"
Aurel: "Wait, so are you guys already done killing all of the soldiers?"
Moreno: "No... but we helped out the Berserker and realized we had a group of girls that we just left behind... but... this wasn't exactly what I expected..."
Marchia: "Is this how you felt when you had your first kill?"
Moreno: "...How do you feel?"
Marchia: "...I don't know..."
Moreno: "Ehh, somewhat accurate"
Damien: "I felt nothing but pure bliss in my first kill honestly"
Ellen: "What!?"
Jessica: "You're insane!"
Damien: "What took you so long!?"

To be continued...

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