Sprouting Wings

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Moreno: "Alicia, take the Hook Gun"
Alicia: "Electrocute or burn?"
Moreno: "...burn I guess"
Alicia: "Alright, gotcha"
Moreno: "Yuiko, Napalm Bazooka"
Yuiko: "Of course I get the heavy one lah!"

The Orphan charges at Moreno, who ducks down and dodges the attack. The Orphan turns its head and screams at Moreno, who blasts its mouth with an energy bolt. Alicia uses the Hook Gun, restraining and burning the Orphan. Moreno strikes it with his spear to hold it back.

Yuiko: "Monyenyo, watch out!"
Moreno: "Oh shit!"

Yuiko blasts the Napalm Cannon towards the Orphan, Moreno moves away, barely evading the explosives. The Orphan is disoriented and breaks out of its restraints out of rage. It goes after Yuiko, who panics and runs away. Aurel and Jessica fire Flamelurkers at the Orphan at 100%. They both dropped the gun from the recoil but the attack was able to briefly knock down the Orphan. Sofi charges up the Plasma Cannon and knocks it even farther away. Ellen grabs Marchia's Plasma Pistol and stalls the Orphan. Moreno helps her out with energy bolts. Damien, Zethendra and Marchia eventually wake up. Zethendra picks up the Slayer's Gauntlet. Damien takes the Hook Gun from Alicia and Marchia uses a Flamelurker.

Zethendra: "I'm so tired of this..."
Marchia: "Just a little bit more... I think..."
Damien: "Gimme that, can't shoot for shit!"
Alicia: "Hey, fuck you!"

Marchia shoots the Orphan at 70%, just barely staggering it. Damien hooks the Orphan on multiple angles and electrocutes it. The Orphan's flesh starts to peel off.

Damien: "Holy shit! It's actually working!"
Jessica: "Take that you mean zo- wait, is it just me or do those look like wings?"

The peeling flesh morphs into rugged wings. The wings absorb the hook's electricity and releases an energy discharge, which knocks down everyone in the room. Zethendra gets up quickly and swings at the Orphan, he cuts off one of its wings and scars its stomach. The Orphan releases a smaller discharge of electricity, knocking Zethendra down, but he is still barely conscious as he blocked the attack with his gauntlet. The Orphan grows back its chopped off wing and uses it to fly upwards. Moreno manages to blast it down with several energy bolts.

Moreno: "...no more fucking electricity. Just fucking die already!"
Aurel: "Moreno! Just use the grenade!"
Moreno: "I need to get closer! Anybody got an Encapsulation Core?"
Sofi: "I still have one!"

Sofi throws it towards the Orphan, who dodges it and the core restrains Zethendra instead.

Sofi: "Shit, Zet! I'm so sorry!"
Zethendra: "Fucking piece of shi-"
Moreno: "Fuck it! I'll do it myself"

Moreno gets into close combat with the Orphan, he slides under its feet to reach its blindspot. He staggers it with his strikes and manages to stab its mouth. He holds it open and pulls out the grenade. He tries to put it in but the Orphan knocks it away close to the entrance of the room. The Orphan kicks him, Moreno blocks it but the attack casually sent him flying either way. Damien tries to go for the grenade, but the Orphan gets in his way.

Damien: "Outta the fucking way!"
The Orphan: *Intense fatherless noises*

Marchia staggers it with Flamelurker rounds. Jessica helps Zethendra out of his restraints and he rejoins the fight. Zethendra runs and tries to decapitate the Orphan, although he barely pierces its neck. Damien restrains it with his hooks and Moreno runs in, striking its neck just as Zethendra did. They manage to decapitate it overtime, but the Orphan just grabs its head and reconnects it.

Zethendra: "What the fucking fuck!"
Moreno: "I saw this coming somehow..."

Moreno blasts away the Orphan with an energy bolt. Zethendra manages to stab it and pin the Orphan onto the ground for a brief moment. Ellen runs up to Marchia and hands over the Plasma Pistol.

Ellen: "Chia... sorry I took it from you while you were asleep..."
Marchia: "Oh, that's alright... we got bigger problems right now though..."

The Orphan quickly overpowers Zethendra and casually knocks him away. Marchia stuns it with a shockwave, but the Orphan redirects it with its wings, knocking her and Ellen away. Moreno shoots an energy bolt, which the Orphan blocks with its wings and absorbs again, blasting it towards Moreno. Moreno blocks the attack but the spear is snapped in half. The Orphan continues to wipe everyone out one by one. After a long while, Damien rejoins the fight using the Slayer's Gauntlet. He slices the Orphan on multiple areas, leaving minor scars that it casually heals upon. Though he puts up a decent fight until his stamina runs out and the gauntlet is broken by the Orphan. Damien lays down, extremely tired, he thought that their luck ran out and they'll finally lose. The Orphan goes towards his body and tries to consume him.

Damien: "Kill yourself... Richard..."

The Orphan stops, holding itself back from eating Damien. Richard still seems to be in there, just barely conscious. Moreno notices, he sees this as an opportunity to get up and try to get the grenade, but before he could, someone walks in the room and grabs it.

To be continued...

Survive the Apocalypse, Act IIWhere stories live. Discover now