//Chapter Four//

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But then..I felt my nudge on my shoulder,

"Corporal Pompón...Corporal!" I heard a voice whisper loudly.

"H-huh?" I spoke as I woke up and saw Lieutenant Azulín standing over my bed. "L-Lieutenant?! What are you-"

He put a finger over my mouth to shut me up, "Shh..we don't want to wake anyone."

I nodded and then he removed his finger.

"Umm..so why are you in my room sir?" I asked quietly.

"I need a favor from you, can you help me out?" He answered.

"Of course, what is it?"

He walked to the door, "I'll explain while we go to the Colonel's office. Get dressed."

I was confused, but as he walked out I did what he asked and changed. I looked out and it was early, earlier than the time I wake up.

I walked out of my bunker and Azulín was waiting for me.

"Good, you're ready? I need you to carry this." He said as he handed me a giant piece of rolled paper.

I was still confused, "Not to question you, sir. However, what is the favor?"

He replied, "I said, I'll explain as we walk, let's go Soldier."

The lieutenant began to walk, and of course I followed. As he promised he began to explain.

"Last lesson, the other leaders didn't appreciate me taking the map. I got that, but it wasn't just because I took the map without permission, it was... well, that didn't want me to teach the soldiers the things I wanted to teach. They said, 'It would be better for more encouragement than what you want to say.' So..I just have to be sneakier."

I still didn't get it, despite what he told me but rather.. Why didn't they want the Great Lieutenant to tell or even teach us things that he knows? That's why they did that extra stuff to make the Strategy Room, right?

"I see.." I responded, mostly cause I didn't know what to say, "However, that doesn't explain why you need me."

He turned his head to look at me, "I know you won't be so... excited about the favor, but you need to remember this is important for the army."

That didn't answer my question, however I had to trust him. If I didn't, I could always tell Colonel..

We made it to the Colonel's office. I realized Azulín got into my bunker..with my door lock, but before I could ask about that, he took out a ring of multiple keys.

"I have a few keys. My office and bunker, your bunker, Colonel's bunker, and even the canteen. Nothing much-" he told me as he unlocked the door.

They both stepped into the Colonel's office. Azulín turned on the lights and looked at me,

"Now..we have to be careful...and very quiet. I don't want to risk both of us to get into trouble." He whispered.

"Yes, Señor." I whispered back.

"Now..let's get to work." He looked at where the map was and took it down.

He laid the map on the table then looked at me, "Hand me the paper will you?"

I handed him the paper, it was just the size of a map. I finally figured out what he was doing.

"Uh.. I didn't think you can do that-"

"I'm aware.."

I knew this was wrong, against the rules. And if we get caught, how much trouble we'll be in.

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