//Chapter Eight//

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He taught us so much.. and I'm only guessing what we've learned is only the beginning.

Drug Bug: A multi-colored bug that always smiles and makes cute noises. They are often not far from bunches of flowers but they usually hide beneath rocks and leaves. They look tasty, especially when you don't have any except porridge. Do not eat them. They're a drug as said in the name, and like any drug, you don't always have a good experience. Besides the effects itself whether good or bad, the after effects are: Migraines, red eyes, tiredness, temporal blurry vision, vomiting, hallucinations, and even death..

The Stairs: There's a stairway in the deep end of the forest. It's not somewhere that you could go in your own will. If you hear a voice that isn't one you recognize calling your name, Do not investigate. Even if you ignore it, it'll start making illusions of objects. Objects that mean something or maybe objects from your memories..either way, Do not try to get them, don't follow where they take you. Whether it's the voice or the object, it will make you follow it to the stairs. The stairs lead to a cave..but it seems to be a door, if you open it it will show you hallucinations or even things of your past. This makes you start to lose your sanity.

Lieutenant actually drew and colored it accurately. Without the story behind it, it wasn't a look sign either way-

'Don't take off your boots when you're not in your tent':This is more of a rule, since Azulín himself didn't witness the creature that caused this..but whatever it was it definitely made it a clear rule. The soldier, Achuchones, was bitten by what he could describe as a tiny reptile with a venomous bite. They did what they could since they didn't have any proper medicine. First it just hit from the bite itself..it took about two days for his leg to be infected. The veins showed through his skin, and his whole leg was a dull color pink as his veins were green, orange, blue and even purple. And the wound would ooze the venom out. Once it's at that state, he couldn't even walk without causing pain, pain that would make him scream and cry. Once the injury was undoable and the pain was too severe, the soldier begged to put him out of his misery, tears fell from his tired eyes. Soon, a soldier did what he added and cut his leg off with his machete. After bandaging his leg another soldier had to help him walk, and it helped until their deaths.

Blueberry Bushes/Additional food : At least there was one thing that was happy news. The rumors of the several blueberry bushes in the forest are true. As Lieutenant said, the nearest water supply is where he found the bushes near the river. Now we knew how to find extra food and fresh water. He also said the front were safe as long as they're cooked, but to only go for the normal ones, never ones with weird colors or patterns.

Sadly, that was the only thing we could go through once dinner time ended. So we had to quickly end the session and go back to our normal routine. But it seems that the new followers were satisfied and even started to plan out how to work around for the next session. Now to mention they quickly took some of their other comrades aside and what I could guess, informing them and convincing them to join. Perfect.

But before they left, Lieutenant Azulín stopped the three of us.

He signaled to meet him behind his bunker, and we nodded. We walked out and went behind his bunk as he told us, then we waited.

He soon came with the explosive he took earlier.

"I figured it out." He said. "I know we were doing wrong."

My eyes brightened, as Peludo asked, "How? Er- better question what was wrong with them."

"Well ignoring the fact that no one knows how to properly hold, throw or even set it off. For one, the safety pin was too loose even without it being pulled, there's way too much explosive material inside that the reason others go off it because of the fires that start after one goes off, and other tinier problems that won't be a big deal with it wasn't for the main two. All these mistakes and this is only a Time Delay Grenade."

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