just like the kids do

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Macau stared at the crouched figure for long minutes. He's watched the scene play out infront of him, his cousin talking to this boy for a brief moment and leaving him in tears, kneeling on the floor. After his brother's sudden disappearance, Macau found himself within the range of his father's fist instead, and home became unbearable to stay at. With at least two bodyguards always trailing behind him, Macau spent most of his time at his friend's place, which coincidentally was in the same complex as his cousin's condo. Even if it meant he had to put up with meeting his cousin, he was willing to come over rather than feel his father's painful punch again. How did Vegas endure this on the daily? Macau already missed him, but he knew looking for him on his own would prove to be futile, especially since he was always followed. He managed to successfully avoid his cousin's bodyguards on his way upstairs to his friend's place, but leaving was a different story. He didn't expect to bump into Kimhan and he quickly hid behind a pillar, watching as his cousin walked out of the main entrance, only to be stopped by a boy in plaid shirt grabbing his hand. Macau couldn't hear clearly what their short conversation was about, but Kim left in a hurry while the boy wept on the floor. 'Is no one gonna help him?' Macau thought when he noticed two main family bodyguards nearby who barely even glanced at the kid. He didn't want to get involved, but as he approached, Macau noticed the bodyguards weren't waiting for his cousin. They waited for the crying boy who bore a striking resemblance to Porsche. "Hey, you." Macau finally approached and the bodyguards bowed. "Khun Macau."

"Macau..." Porchay repeated. Vegas's brother! They've never met, he just heard about him from Tankhun and Porsche. Knowing he should be wary, Chay quickly stood up and dusted his knees before politely waiing the not much older boy. "Relax, I don't bite." Macau scoffed. He then handed him a handkerchief and gestures towards Chay's snot covered face. "You should probably wipe your face, it looks kinda gross." Porchay grumpily rubbed his face, staring at Macau suspiciously. He was told not to interact with the minor family, but now he was too mad at the main clan's youngest member he didn't want to care about some stupid rules, especially since those two cold faced men accompanying him didn't even bother to offer a tissue. 

"Khun Porchay." One of them spoke sternly. "Khun Korn ordered for you to return to the mansion quickly. You need to do your homework too." He gestured towards the car. Macau clicked his tongue. Even though the minor clan bodyguards weren't as neat as these guys, at least they always cared whenever he got hurt. He glanced towards Porchay who continued wiping his face before turning to the bodyguards with crossed arms. "Take us to the mall." "But Khun Porchay needs to do his homework." "What he needs is someone to cheer him up with some ice cream. Show some compassion." He frowned. The bodyguard exchanged a look before reluctantly accompanying the two teenagers into the mall, closely following. 

"Why are you nice to me?" Porchay asked as they entered the mall. "Why not? I don't have any beef with you. You got some beef with me?" Macau raised an eyebrow. Porchay quickly shook his head. "No." "Cool." Macau shrugged. "So what was all that about, with Kimhan?" He asked. "Well uhm..." Porchay gave the bodyguards a side eye. Was it safe to assume they didn't know the young master and him...? It probably wasn't the best place to speak up, with two pairs of ears listening to his every word. As if Macau could read his mind, he winked at Porchay before turning around to the bodyguards. "I think someone is following us!" He faked a gasp, pointing behind them. It took only a second for the two to turn around, only to see an empty space, but it was enough time for Macau to grab Porchay's hand and bolt it out of there.

"Wait! You're too fast!" Porchay yelped as they run across the mall floor, zigzagging through the various shops until they finally managed to lose the two men trailing them. Macau lead Porchay up on the roof where he finally slowed down enough to a gentle walk. "Ow." Porchay rubbed his side as he got a runner's stitch from the abrupt sprint. "You okay?" Macau finally stopped, letting go of Porchay's hand. "Yeah, just not used to running like that." Porchay wheezed as he straightened himself up and looked around. "Are you sure we shouldn't have just tell them where we're going?" "Look, if you wanna go back to your two babysitters then-" "No!" Porchay quickly shook his head. "I just don't want you in trouble." He said, looking over the edge. They were at least five flights of stairs high, the people on street below seemed very unsuspecting of the two boys looking at them. When wind caused Porchay to wobble, Macau quickly grabbed his waist and pulled him down to sit, their legs dangling over the edge. Porchay's heart was already beating fast from the rush of running and being so high; how did Macau seem so calm he had no idea. 

Just like the kids do (MacauChay)Where stories live. Discover now