Chapter 2 - The Tunnel

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Freya, Maeve, Freddie, and Sean cautiously stepped deeper into the dark mine shaft. The air was damp and chilly, and their phone torches were their only source of light. They moved carefully, making sure not to slip or stumble on the rough, uneven terrain.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Maeve muutered, her whisper echoing down the endless tunnel.

"We gotta to find Jamie," Freddie said, his voice full of determination. "He's probably freaking out."

"he can't be far." sean replied in attempts to comfort the group even, in reality he was just as worried

As they walked further into the tunnel, the light up ahead grew brighter. "mate... What even is that... Look!" Maeve exclaimed, pointing to the end of the tunnel. "There's a light!"

Freya quickened her pace, and the others followed, their hearts beating faster with anticipation. As they got closer, they could see that the light was coming from a small opening in the tunnel wall. They approached it cautiously, shining their torches inside.

"What the hell?" Sean exclaimed, staring into the opening.

The tunnel was wide and well-lit, unlike the narrow, dark mine shaft they had just been walking through. The walls were smooth and seemed to be made of a strange, glowing material.

"Should we go in there?" Maeve asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

"I don't know," Freddie said, hesitating. "It could be dangerous."

But before anyone could object, Freya stepped forward and started walking into the tunnel. The others exchanged a nervous glance and followed her.

As they walked deeper into the tunnel, they felt a strange energy pulsing around them, as if they were being transported to another world. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, and their phone torches seemed to have no effect on the glowing walls.

"What is this place?" Maeve whispered, her voice barely audible.

Suddenly, the tunnel opened up into a huge, cavernous space. The light was brighter here, and they could see that the walls were made of a sparkling crystal that seemed to emit its own light.

In the center of the cavern, there was a massive hole that seemed to lead down into the earth. It was like nothing any of them had ever seen before.

"This is incredible," Freddie said, his eyes wide with amazement running his hand along the crystal walls.

As they approached the hole, they could feel a strange energy pulsing around them, as if they were on the threshold of a new world.

"Should we jump?" Sean asked, his voice full of excitement.

Without a second thought, Freya jumped into the hole, followed by the others. As they fell, they could see the glowing crystal walls flashing by in a blur.

When they landed, they found themselves in a completely different world. The air was warm and balmy, and the ground was covered in lush, green grass. In the distance, they could see towering mountains and vast expanses of ocean.

"What is this place?" Maeve asked, her voice full of wonder and amazement.

"It's Agartha," sean said in utter disbelief as he took off his glasses and cleaned the lenses as if to confirm his disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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