Chapter 16 *Luke*

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When Kaden left, we all stood around Jane in shock. When she finally stopped screaming in pain, she stood up. There was blood all over her face. Kaden had hit her in the nose. What used to be a straight line was now crooked and deformed. I cringed in pain myself. Both of her eyes were already starting to bruise. She looked like a raccoon. One of the servants had ran inside and grabbed her a damp towel with ice in it.

Jane spitefully took it. "I hope she knows I am suing her. She is going to pay for a new nose! I just bought this two months ago. Prom is a month away, and this better be fixed by then. Otherwise I am literally going to kill her."

I grabbed Jane's shoulders. "Stop! Look at you. You have let your jealousy over her ruin your life. If you hadn't spitefully said all of that stuff about Ben, you wouldn't have been punched. You deserved that, and you and I both know that."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Look, tell your girlfriend she better watch her moves. Something horrible could happen to her if she is not careful." Jane said. "Now take me to the hospital." She said looking at Steven.

He laughed. "I think you can walk."

"Uh, excuse me!?! You drove me here, you drive me back!"

"Well, if you weren't such a witch, I would have, but I'm just a stupid rich boy... So I think I'm good."

She crossed her arms. "Someone better take me to the hospital!!!" She stomped her foot.

"Here sweetheart, I'll take you." My mother said.

My father grabbed her before she could move. "If you dare take her to the hospital, I will divorce you."

"You won't divorce me." She dared him.

He laughed. "Wanna bet? I've been itching to find an excuse to leave your sorry self. This may just be it."

"You need me. You won't leave me. I'm what keeps us going."

"No, you are what keeps us from having a stress free life. You and your nasty little attitude towards people who are not as rich as us is embarrassing. Kaden seems like an amazing girl, and you cannot get passed her way of living. If you do not clean up your act, I will take everything from you."

She laughed. "Who's the lawyer here?"

"Not you anymore. I know how you lost your job. Plus I have a bunch of dirt I could use to get everything you own. So it looks like you're the one who needs me, or my money." My father said as he crossed his arms. "So what will it be?"

She huffed. She knew she had no other choice. "Fine. Jane, looks like you will have to walk."

Jane screamed. "Are you kidding me! Why is everything falling apart?"

I laughed. "Maybe it is karma... Sucks for you. You should have been nicer." I said as I motioned for everyone to head inside.

"You cannot just leave me out here! Kaden was right, you guys need to learn proper etiquette!"

I turned around and came closer to her. I got right up in her face. "You do not have the authority to talk about Kaden.... EVER!!!" I yelled. "Do you hear me? I'm glad she's not friends with you anymore. She deserves better." I said as I walked inside and slammed the door.


I woke up the next morning, and the entire atmosphere of our house had changed. I walked down stairs and my family was actually getting along for once. James and his family had stayed the night, and I did not hear yelling like I do every morning. Had Kaden changed how our family was?

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