Chapter 8 *Luke*

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I sat at the lunch table with Jane and the others. We were all quiet. Jane was still upset about the showdown that happened two days ago. Every time she saw Kaden, her blood boiled. That day was pretty exciting, although I did get pulled into it. Jane wanted revenge, and for her to get it she was going to use me. Once the bet was done, Jane was planning on letting us get caught kissing. She was a twisted girl, but I kind of liked it. From the stories Jane has told me, Kaden seems just like the people she tries so hard not to be. It will make it easier for me to do this. Kaden and Jane are a lot alike, but at least Jane is not a hypocrite about her morals, and rules.

Kaden sat two tables away. Every so often I would catch Jane looking over there. Kaden was happy with her friends. I noticed her laughing a lot more than she did the first day I met her.

When the bell rang, I rushed to HBS. It was the only class I had an excuse to talk to her in. I walked in and my eyes met hers. I slightly smiled. I had apologized for not asking her about herself, but I did not really mean it. How am I supposed to approach a girl to find out her story without seeming like a nosy creep?

I sat down beside her. She had already placed her materials on the table, and was ready to finish working on the cardiovascular system for our skeleton. "We should name him." I said as I retrieved my materials.

"How about prep-boy."

"How about hypocrite."

"How about Jane-junkie."

"How about Ben-killer."

"How about baby momma."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked a little confused.

She shrugged. "You were getting out of hand. I mean Ben-Killer? Seriously? That was going a little too far. Ben knew what he was doing."

"What do you mean? Are you saying he crashed the car on purpose?" She was probably just looking for attention.

"Nothing." She said before she started answering questions. She was a strange girl. She never completed her thoughts around me. "Make the veins."

"How about Steve?"

She looked up to me. "No, real names are not as fun." She half smiled. "Think of something stupid."

"I did like Jane-Junkie..." It was actually a good comeback. Plus many people may just think we were naming it after Mary Jane.

She stared at me. "Ehh, why not. Mary Jane, Jane-Junkie, weed addict. Yeah it could have lung cancer or something."

"Ok, Jane-Junkie it is. Let's just hope no one thinks we named him that because you were referring to my friendship with Jane."

"Friendship? Really? She is all over you. You two look like a couple."

She was right. Jane was all over me. It was a bad thing because it hurts my chance with the bet, but it was good because I liked the attention. Maybe I was a Jane-Junkie. "We're not. I don't even like her that way."

Kaden laughed. "Yeah, right. I see the way you look at her. It is like she is only just a piece of meat to you. It does not surprise me though, she doesn't really attract the most respectful type of guys... So you might want to dial down the love for her unless you want to be thought of in that way."

"What? I don't look at her like that!"

"Whatever, just realize that when another hottie comes along, she will bump you like a car door. Pushing you out of the way. She gets what she wants, and if she doesn't, rumors spread."

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