The Rest Is History

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To tell me where I come from, my birth parents decided it would be easier if they showed me. I'm thrust through time and space. It's like I was there, but I wasn't. As if I were just another figure standing in the background.

I watched them grow up as children. They lived very different lives. Katya, my mother, is an angel. She had been recruited, after dying a hero many centuries ago. My father, Viktor, was born into a bloodline of demons who reigned in the underworld for centuries, though his mother was a beautiful human. He was raised in Russia to be a soldier, their ultimate weapon.

Experiencing the moment they met for the first time was the most exhilarating memory. It felt like I was experiencing it all firsthand. I was aboard a Russian surveillance submarine. My father was the captain. While on his usual routine, patrolling underwater, I saw so many fish and other sea creatures.

Standing tall and proud next to me is my father. It's difficult to believe my father is partially evil. I admired him until my attention was averted by a loud alarm. Red lights flashed, as crewmen rushed to their stations. I used the periscope to spot the problem. An unmarked war submarine is heading our way. Just as he was about to order his men to open fire, I stepped in front of him without hesitation. In my gut, I just had this feeling that I had to stop him.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked angrily.

"Sir, I don't think we should open fire," I said calmly.

"On what grounds?" he asked.

"We don't know their intentions," I said. "Surely if they meant us harm, they would've shot at us by now."

He's hesitant, even though his crewmates urge us to take immediate action. He stared at me for a long time. For a moment I thought he saw me, not the body I'd possessed in his past.

"This is why women shouldn't be allowed aboard the submarine," a crewman said.

"She's proven herself worthy of her position," Viktor said. "You have no right to speak against her."

"But sir," the man says before he's cut off.

"Last I checked, I'm the captain and I call the shots," Viktor said as his eyes turned black as coal. "Or must I remind you of your place?"

"No sir," he said before lowering his head.

"Very well then," Viktor said. "So, the plan will be to get our submarine close enough to theirs to communicate. If they attack, we will attack back."

The war submarine grew closer but changed its direction hastily. This struck my father as strange and unusual. Something wasn't right.

"Sir, they've changed course! Should we still pursue?" a crewman asked him.

"They may be trying to catch us off guard by circling us," Viktor said. "Prepare to pursue!" the man yelled.

The submarine bolted forward at its top speed, making me stumble. I caught myself on the wall using a shelf to hold myself up. It wasn't long before we caught up with the other submarine. We dove deeper, approaching from underneath their submarine.

Just before we could attack them from the bottom, a woman's voice came over Gertrude, the underwater telephone.

"If you can hear me, I advise you not to attack," she says. "We are not here for you, so let us run our course and be on our way."

"Where is your captain?" Viktor asked while pressing a button.

After a brief moment of silence, the woman spoke again, informing us that the captain had an accident while on their expedition.

"We are attempting to navigate our way back, but must have lost track of our destination," she explains. "He needs a doctor."

"Board our ship, we have a medic with us," He says while looking at me.

"I'm afraid that's not an option," she said. "We really must be on our way."

After discussing with the other crewmen, he decided they couldn't be trusted. He raised the submarine until it hit the war submarine's underside. During the collision, I was knocked over and hit my head on the metal table screwed into the floor. When I opened my eyes, I realized I was on the other submarine.

My mother was there, along with some Jewish refugees she was attempting to free. She stole the submarine from a German military base, after blowing sleeping dust on the original captain and his men. The plan was to travel north of Germany up to Britain. There weren't supposed to be any other submarines traveling out of Germany that day, so it was thought to be safe travel. Everything happened according to plan. Until it didn't.

The damage was done. My father's submarine had left an opening in the bottom of the war submarine, and water had begun to fill the lower half. Women and children wept while whispering prayers. My mother and the men on board attempt to clog the holes but the water's flooding in too fast.

"We have to get them out of here now!" Katya yelled.

The two of us rushed everyone up to the escape pod at the top of the submarine. Everyone but my mother and I boarded the escape pod. She had one last trick up her sleeves. After grabbing my hand she closed her eyes. In the blink of an eye, we were back on my father's submarine.

"Well, I'll be damned," Viktor said while flashing his demon eyes. "I've been blessed to be in the presence of an angel."

"Go to hell, demon scum!" Katya replied as she rolled her eyes.

In the end, she was captured by my father, but she still managed to save those she was meant to save. After Katya was taken back to Germany and handed over to Hitler and his Nazi army, Viktor formed an alliance between Germany and Russia. That's where their story began. The rest is history.

Adventure in Action - Amyra CroweWhere stories live. Discover now