Relationships (Harem)

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Author's Note: This section is Rudeon's prospective of the people that he interacted with during his time in Novaverse. If I miss someone, please let me know. This is split into three parts.

= Elizabeth Shinohara =

"She's easily one of the first people that I've met and has been my traveling partner since we completed the Wanderer Trials a few years ago and part ways shortly after we set out on our own adventures.

I'm actually surprised that she looks different, but she's still the airhead I know. There are time's that the demon king, Ryikon, takes control of her since they have a shared heart.

Hell, she's even the leader of her clan and has four captains by her side to protect those in need. I understand that she wants to gain more power to defeat Everett and the calamity god, but I'm worried that she'll turn into a power hungry tyrant.

The only two flaws that Eli has are that she eats random things despite not knowing anything about it or what it can do to her body and she's rather clingy towards me at times."

= Jirou Shinohara =

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= Jirou Shinohara =

*sighs in frustration* "Honestly, I don't know where to begin with her. She claims that she's my rival, but I find it hard to believe. Hell, I don't think she knows what it's like to have rivals in general.

She's Eli's little sister, the Savior of sorts, and a bully to me and she does this at ANY given opportunity that she has.

I really don't hate Jirou or anything, and I understand that she's trying to show who's boss, and she's a good person deep down, but I just wish she would stop bullying me and breaking my gear all the time.

It's hard to find materials for my equipment sometimes...

It's hard to find materials for my equipment sometimes

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= Ryth Shinohara =

"It's time to talk about the one and only traitor of the Shinohara Clan and a heretic, which I call her "The Silver-Haired Devil."

During my first encounter with Ryth in an open field, she starts attacking me as I assume that she thinks I'm an bounty hunter sent by the clan to track down Ryth and kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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