Sunoo - Nervous

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Y/N was so mad, cause she couldn't decide what she should wear for their date today. Then after 23 mins, she finally decided.
She did some light makeup and put her hair down. Then she grabbed her phone and headed towards the garage where her car was.

Actually Sunoo told her that he will pick her up. But she refused. Now, she regrets.
She tried to start the car but it didn't work. She tried one more time but it still didn't work.

At last, she decided to hire a taxi.
After few minutes she reached there.

She entered the restaurant where Sunoo was waiting for her. She saw him staring at outside through the clear glass as if he's looking for something.

She went up to him.


-"Oh my god~~~~!!! You? Ohhhh you scared me~!"

-"Really? I thought you weren't scared of anything?"

She said while seating on the chair.

-"So, may we order now? What do you wanna eat?" He asked.

-"You know what I eat."

His face turned blank and he ordered the food, Chicken fries.

When the waiter went away leaving them alone, she looked at Sunoo and noticed him becoming so nervous.

-"Hey. Did something happen? You seems off?" She asked him worriedly.

-"Huh? Oh it's nothing~ don't worry" he tried to smile a bit so that you won't be worried.

Then, when both of them stopped talking, the atmosphere became silent. She kept her hand on the table.

Suddenly she feels something against her hand. She looked up and saw Sunoo was going to touch her hand but when she looked up he pushed his hand away.

Then when he was trying to do it again, she grabbed his hand.

- "Baby! What's wrong? Why are you so afraid? You are just touching my hand"

She said with a worried look. She thought he got another girlfriend and wanted to break up or something.
But in reality he wasn't that kind of boy. He loved her so much.

-"No! Its not like that. I'm I'm fine. Don't worry," He said.


He nodded. Their food arrived and they both finished eating and did the payment.
They came outside to the parking lot where Sunoo's car was.

-"Are we going to the park you told about?" She asked him.

He nodded.

-"Yay! Lets goo!" She said excitedly and was going to open the cars door.

But Sunoo wanted to walk cause it wasn't so far and he wanted to spend some times alone with her. Sunoo told his driver to pick them up when he calls him.

Then both of them went to the amusement park. She wanted to ride the roller coaster.

-"I wanna go there!!" She said trying to drag him towards the horrible ride.

His throat got dry and he started to panic.

-"But can't we eat ice-cream together instead?" He suggested.

She couldn't control herself and immediately agreed. She loves ice-cream so much.

Sunoo bought two ice-creams for them.
They started eating. Sunoo wanted to take some pictures. They took some selfies together.

They saw a young girl walking passed them and Sunoo asked her to take them a picture.

-"You two looks like a sweet couple!! Are you married?" The girl said.

-"No~~~ We aren't married-  yet!!" y/n said.

With that Sunoo got nervous again.

Y/N looked at him,

-"But we'll get married soon, right Sunoo??"

He got more nervous,

-"Ah, oh yeah, yeah."

After the girl went away, they started walking. Near a beanch, Sunoo said,

-"Y/N, let's seat here"


-"I need to say something very important." He said finally.

-"Don't tell me you want to break up..." Y/n screamed.

-"What!!!!??? No-!!!!!!!!!"

-"Then what??"

-"Actually, my eomma wants to marry you" he blurted out nervously.

-"Huh?! WHAT!!?"

-"Oh God! No!! I mean actually my eomma want to meet you." He corrected.

-"Oh~~~~ are you gonna have a new sibling??!"

- (speechless)

-"Oh~~~ your sister's gonna marry!!?? This time I have got it, right??? Hey!! who is the boy?? The boy must be handsome! When is the wedding!!???
What is her na-"

Sunoo suddenly got mad and grabbed her by her shoulders.

-"STOP IT! Now, I'll say and you'll listen! Got it?"

Y/N got scared and shut her mouth..

Sunoo calmed himself and suddenly got on his knees right infront of her.

It was almost evening. The wind started to blow...
He then took out a beautiful ring from his pocket. It was the perfect time for him to propose her.

But not so long before she spoke-

"Oh~~~ you wanna show me the ring that your brother-in-law has given to your sister!!!??"

Sunoo sighed........  [Poor boy...]

- "Ok, let me say...."

-"Listen, Y/'re the most beautiful and caring person I've ever seen"

-"But what about your mom? Doesn't she care about you?"

- "Oh god! .....Yeah yeah.....but you're the one I'll love to STAY my whole life with. Are you understanding what I'm talking about?"

- (Speechless)

- "So, finally Y/N.....Will you be my soul mate and STAY with me forever?"

- [Almost dying]

Sunoo grabbed her hand and put the ring into her finger.

-"Will you marry me Y/N?"

At last, Y/N spoke out.

-"Is it true that Kim Sunoo is proposing me for marriage?!"

-"Yeah, and you have to say yes. Will you say now?"

She just couldn't believe anything. She felt so happy. She looked at the sky and then at Sunoo.

-"Yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah,yeah!!!!!!!"

Y/N started jumping and then she hugged him. But she didn't stop saying "Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!"

Oh...This girl is crazy. And Sunoo loves this crazy girl sooooo much. And he will love her forever~

A/N : How was it guys!!!!

I'm sorry it's a bit childish.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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