Chapter 26

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Tony's POV

Honestly I really felt bad when she quickly voiced out the fact that we weren't a couple to the lady at the mall, like it was such a crime if we were.

I don't know what else I'm going to do or say to let Anna know that I love her, I've always loved her.

I know I promised Alex I'd never act on my feelings for her and I intend to keep that promise for as long as I can.

She consumes my thoughts without even trying, I go to sleep everyday and dream about her.
I can't help how my heart beats for her

She's the one thing I can't have but she's the one thing my heart yearns for the most.

I drove her home that day from the mall, I didn't say anything because I was hurt, at the end of the day I'm only human and certain things hurt me too.

I got home that night and I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if I was the first one to ask her out.

The night Alex asked her out I was supposed to be the one with her that night but something urgent came up and I had to attend to it.

I know because Alex wouldn't stop talking about that night, to him it was the best night of his life but to me it was the beginning of this endless emotional torture I have to endure.

This unrequited love I have to face, the one woman I want, the one woman that drives me crazy, the one woman I can do just about anything for even if it meant laying down my life is the one woman that doesn't want me in that way.

Sometimes when I think about it, I always feel like I'm jinxed or maybe cursed from my former life to never be with the one I love.

I had always wanted to tell her how I feel long before Alex even realized he liked her, but I was always nervous because I didn't want to ruin the little friendship we had.

Now I'm doomed because even if I yell it at the top of my voice how much I love her, I can't have her because her heart belongs to another.

Her heart belongs to my brother, it hurts Everytime I think about it.
Most time Rhys makes it hurt less because seeing him gives me immense joy.

I had been avoiding her since day, I always do that whenever my feelings for her are threatening to overpower my logical side, or whenever she does something that hurts my feelings.

Because I don't know what I'll say or do if I'm close to her at times like that

When she walked into my office I wanted to just hold her and kiss her but I know I'd only make things worse.

I wanted to tell her how much I lover her and would do anything just to get her to look at me the way she always looked at Alex.

And when she said, my actions were the reason Alex left, I felt really guilty.

Maybe he was right after all, maybe if he didn't leave a lot of things would have gone wrong.

Even in his absence at the mention of his name, you'd see the longing in her eyes.

I have tried going out with other girls but it didn't work, hell I'm not attracted to any girl the way I am to Anna.

I can't even see myself happy with another girl because Anna has it all, she has my heart without even asking for it.

I thought something was wrong with me because how can i want someone so badly and they don't even notice me or want me that much.

I even saw a therapist because of it but the only logical explanation was that I was in love with her which I already knew.


"Are you okay"? Chris asked me from across the table.

I just looked at him with a bored expression running my hands through my face

After my little encounter with Anna I called Chris so we could meet up, I really needed to talk to someone before I lose my mind and Chris is the only one I can confide in right now

"I don't know man" I voice out.

"Anna"? he asks, he already knows she's the only one that can get the almighty Tony to be like this

I just nod "Chris she's driving me crazy" I say sounding frustrated "I've tried so hard to push these feelings down but I can't"

He humms and just continues looking at me egging me on

"I've tried everything to make her see how much she affects me but it's as if I'm invincible"

"I'm not asking her to love me back but at least I need to know she understands how much I love her"

"It's not that easy bro, she's still in love with Alex and probably will be forever" Chris reasons.

"I know and I'm not against it, it's just I don't know what to do to suppress these feelings for her"

"You have to try harder Tony, I know it's not easy to unlove someone but you have to try so you don't end up ruining things for you guys"

I understand what he's trying to say, because if I keep pushing to see if she'll finally love me back I might be pushing her away without knowing it and I don't want that.

"Thanks man, I really needed this talk" I say standing up "I need to head back to work so I can take her to pick Rhys up"

He just nods and bids mye goodbye before I walk out of the restaurant.

I drive to work hoping she'll let me take her to the mansion, at least I still need to see Rhys.


We're currently on our way to the mansion and the silence in the car is eating me up, I know she's pissed at me for what I said in my office earlier on.

Hell she might even be disappointed, God I really fucked up this time.

But thank God she didn't oppose to me dropping her off at the mansion.

I park in the compound and she's about to step out when I stop her

"About earlier, Anna I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that" I breathe out

"Can we please not talk about it, I'm really exhausted and I just want to pick Rhys up and go home" she states before getting off the car.

I think I've pushed her more than I intended to, and right now I just hope I'm able to redeem myself, I breathe out and get out of the car and follow her inside.

Once in greet mom and Dad and go over to greet Rhys too, he's already snuggled up In his mother's hands.

We're all talking when the doorbell rings interrupting us, mom asks dad if he's expecting anyone and he tells her no

Anna offers to go check after dropping Rhys in mom's arms.
She walks over to the door and open it, from where I'm sitting I can see her freeze, unmoving.

Who is at the door, minutes pass and she hasn't come in and neither has she said anything so I stand up to check on her.

I walk to the door standing beside her when my eyes rest on the person on the other side of the door and my body goes stiff.

What the hell?

"Hello brother"

Who do you think it is?

Do you think he is back 😳😳

It's going to get interesting from now on

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