God I'm down here on my knees, cause it's the last place left to fall

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It had been about a year since the X-Men had beat apocalypse and about 4 months since rogue had managed some kind of control over her powers and had started to fall for the one and only gambit, it honestly shocked her that she would start to fall for the enemy or at least that's what they were suppose to be given that he still worked with magneto as one of his acolytes and the fights between them had started to feel more like a game to her and him both given that he had started to fall for her after everything that happened in New Orleans when she helped him save his father and yet they both never said anything about what they felt for each other and right now they were starting to wander if they ever could given that the X-Men and the acolytes were currently in a fight with each other "so what were y'all trying to steal this time swamp rat?" Rogue asked Gambit without anyone hearing due to the fact that they had gone off to "fight" each other away from everyone else "oh,ya know just de usual Cherie" Gambit answered given her his usual charming grin causing her to scoff and slightly smile at the same time not letting him see that after a moment both started to relax and let their guard down slightly "ya know I'm getting a little tired of constantly having ta fight you, why don't ya just quit working with magneto already?" She said looking at him knowing that he wanted to, that he had said that in one of their fights "i would if i would mon Cherie believe dat " he said looking at her with the most guilty look he had ever had before starting to move closer to her just to have her slowly back away and from the lack of noise around them it appeared that the fight was over and that they would need to get back to their teams after sending a few charged card into the air they weny their separate ways thinking of each other.

At the x Mansion rogue was in the middle of getting ready for bed when she decided to send out a small prayer something she hadn't done since she found out about her powers wishing that she and gambit could admit how Much they care for one another "maybe someday" she whispered to herself before falling asleep.

In the bed next to rogue kitty pryde had been listening " I like so knew she liked him hopefully someday it'll happen" she said to herself not wanting to wake rogue by accidentally talking to loud.

At the acolytes base gambit had just finished getting ready for bed when he decided to pray that someday he could just man up and tell rogue how he felt and hopefully have her in his arms "je can always hope can't je" he thought before falling asleep .

And unbeknownst to him Colossus had overheard his silent prayer "someday hopefully my friend " he said in a soft voice.

(So this was my first chapter and of I messed up on any words used for Gambit feel Free to let me know I don't really know how to speak French so apologies if I did )

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